*Summer Heat & Dirty Windows*

*Summer Heat & Dirty Windows*

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Like it or not…..

The Sizzle of Summer Is Just Around The Corner…..

It’s prep-time for perspiration…..

Soon…we’ll willingly be in lock-down and indoors…..

I need to make sure all the ceiling fans are balanced…..

…..or else I’ll be manic & twitchy from the insistent/incessant clicking by the end of the summer…..

…..(those of you who rely on A/C and ceiling fans (to keep the air moving) know what I mean)…..

Every room here has a ceiling fan…..

…..we even have oscillating floor fans in the corners…..

Anja is stalled for half the day…and she has two fans on her…..

Suffice to say…fans are a must…(especially to help keep those already high air-conditioning bills down)…..

All of you in the Deep South understands…..

Another must…(for thermostat-bound/home-hostaged summer-Southerners)…..

…..are clean windows…..

…..because they are your only connection with the outside world…..

…(I’d like to say this isn’t one of our windows…so…I will)…This Isn’t One Of Our Windows…

We have way too many dogs of varying height…who are also indoor and climate controlled…..

…..as a result…ALL of our doors have nose-smears & smudges on them…..

Sunrise Through Our Porch Door…


…..and that stuff dries like epoxy glue….

…..we have tiny dog noses…medium dog noses…and tall dog noses…..

We don’t need ANY of those pretty adhesive decals on our glass doors to stop people from crashing into an overly clean/transparent door…..

…(not our door)…

…..We Got Multiple Dog Boogers On Ours…..

…..Tra!  La!…..

…..and that beats a pretty/peach-colored/adhesive hibiscus any day…..

Every year I tell myself—“Self—you need to clean all those windows…this year”…..

…..and every year………….it doesn’t happen…..


…..(“Self” is just way too phlegmatic…and apparently content with looking out murky/smeared windows)…..

But this year…it’s going to be different…..

This year…I’m going to clean those windows…..

…..I really am…..

…..I’m quite sure…..

*****(note to Blog Readers—my older daughter cleaned the windows!)*****

*****(audible sigh of relief)*****(good child)*****






#oscillatingfan #windex 

#epoxy #windowcleaning #irishwolfhoundpuppies #irishwolfhounds #akc #patiodoors #porchdoors

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