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What with the pandemic…..

…..different forms of entertainment have come about…..or become more commonplace…..

… “Streaming”…..

…..(I’ve only just figured out that’s what I’ve been doing)…..

…..(I’ve also noticed that our TV screen no longer shows the color green…..but that’s a problem for another time)…..

With regards to this “streaming-thing”…..I’m only allowed to play the consummate viewer/observer/watcher…..

I leave the necessary/multiple-remote-coordinations to others…..

…..(especially after my older daughter yelled at me for throwing them)…..(they were being testy)…..

*************I’ve decided there’s a new psychological-condition that’s developed*************

…..(because of all the streaming that’s being done while sitting at home during the pandemic)…..

I call it…..


Recently…..we finished all the Seasons of “Fringe”…..

And I Worried…..

…..#1…..why was it cancelled?

…..and #2… I’m worried about who’s taking care of Walter…..?……(someone has to buy the poor man his Twizzlers)…..

…..and what happened to the “Librarians”…..and while we’re at it…..”Jericho”…..?…..

And here are some pet-peeves…..

…..why did “Witches of East End” only last two seasons?  It’s too good for that!…..

…..and who’s looking after Abed from “Community”?…..(he needs assistance just crossing the street)…..

All these programs have become vividly alive for me for too short a time…..

…..and now the characters have disappeared into the back-lots or break-rooms of post-streaming-farewells…..

…………………I worry about these things…………………

And then there’s my near and dear favorite…..”Supernatural”…..

Granted… lasted for fifteen Seasons…..

…..where are they now…..?…..

…..well…..they were all killed off…..but they were ALWAYS getting killed off…..

…..I’ve heard Sam’s in Texas now…..but Dean’s still MIA…..and Castiel’s dead…..but immortal…..right?…..

See…..this streaming thing is a great deal of pressure…..when the stories end…..


…..(and then you’re left with)…..

~~~~~~~~~~~Dis-Associative Role/Character Worry~~~~~~~~~~~~~(it’s a thing)







#librarians #samanddean #castiel #pandemic #covid19

#community #fringe #jericho #supernatural #witchesofeastend #abed #twizzlers #disassociative

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