****Still Five*****

****Still Five*****

Yes…..there are…..five…..I mean…..they are all here…..still…..

….but…..that pound of flesh that’s necessary to keep them here…..


…..the littlest one…..what a corker!…..

…..she’s still amongst us…..she’s made it so far…..

I’m not sure when the last time I showered or brushed my teeth…..

…..my teeth feel furry…..

…..my jammies (yessss I’m still in my PJ’s)…..feel slick…..and smelly…..


…..what is wrong with this breed?…..why don’t they reproduce easily…..?…..

…..they are beautiful…..they are ancient…..they are profound…..I smell & I am tired…..

…..I hate them…..I love them…..I will do it again…..






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