***Step #2***(never happened)

***Step #2***(never happened)

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The Garden’s Step #2..never happened…..

…..we got the dirt fluffed…..

…..we got the heirloom seeds…..

…..the spirit & enthusiasm was definitively there…but the body wasn’t…..

There was no point in planting a garden…without the paneled fencing being up…..

…..because all I would be doing is…planting nice seeds…to grow tender shoots…for the deer and goats to floss their teeth with…..

…..(we all know it’s not the deer…it’s the goats)…..

…..(it’s always the goats)…..

Our first attempt at gardening in an old/leaky water trough…
Irma relaxing…after eating the tiny vegetables…
…I guess it’s not “always” the goats…others wander through too…

And…there was no chance for the paneled fencing going up…..

…..not without chainsawing telephone poles into appropriate lengths for corner & gate posts…..

…..and then hefting and nailing the panels…..

…..let’s face it…..

I ain’t up to it…(at the moment)…..

It probably wouldn’t be a good idea…since “just walking” around the pasture poked a couple pulmonary embolisms a few weeks ago…(which in all fairness to me—I didn’t know I had)…..

…………………Suffice To Say…………………

The Garden…didn’t happen………….yet…


Plus there was more that didn’t happen…..

A good horse-friend told me that between all our oak trees and thirty years of decomposing horse poo…..

…..my fluffed-soil is probably super-dee-pooper acidic…(okay…this gardening-thing is quickly becoming complicated)…..

…..(I thought manure was good fertilizer?)…(this is above my pay-grade)…..

…..he said…I needed to spread Dolomite…***(Dolomite—huh?)***…..

…..what’s Dolomite?…..

Sooooo…I’ve since found 50 lbs. bags of magnesium (close enough) at our feed store…..

…Apparently these are the Dolomite Mountains(?)…(there are mountains of this stuff?)…

I’ll get some and spread it…..

But…does it just stay on top?…do I hose it in?…do I just dump a pile of it in the middle?…..

*****All This For A Cucumber Or Two…And A Couple of Brussel Sprouts?…..

Well…if my father could make gun powder in his high school chemistry class (apparently…he got in big trouble for that one)…then I can figure out this acidic-soil/dolomite-thing….

…..(Can’t You Make Jewelry Out Of Dolomite?)…..

On a good note…..

My older daughter did recently chainsaw a few telephone poles for her goat fencing project…and she cut a few extra posts for my garden enclosure idea…..

…..so I don’t have that excuse anymore…..

But the post-hole digging…hefting…and stapling…..

…..I just don’t have it in me at the moment…..

I got stuck in the hospital during the optimal time to plant…..and it’s too hot now…..

However…the wonderful thing about Florida is…it has two (2) planting/growing seasons…..

I intend to be ready and “Right As Rain”(?) for the up-coming winter planting season…..








#marysheirloomseeds #southernliving #

#gunpowder #chemistryclass #dolomite #magnesium #acidsoil #floridaboardoftourism #

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