Stained Glass~~~Re-Visited

Stained Glass~~~Re-Visited

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I’m in the process of launching back into working with stained glass…..

I’ve missed it…..

The porch is all closed in and waterproofed now…..

The floor fans and ceiling fans are ready to go…albeit…we have no working electrical outlets out there yet…but an extension cord into the kitchen will work just fine for now…..

…..(fuse box willing)…..

Between old home renovations and health-hiccups…my working with sharp shards of glass and dangerous noxious fumes was temporarily put on hold…..

But I’m once again ready to start vaporizing lead came……

And I’ve stocked up on SteriStrips…so I’m good to go…..

My first project will be finishing up a panel of a good friend of mine who passed away…..

She was an incredible artist…in so many mediums…and this panel was left unfinished…..

Her family asked me to touch up the soldering for them…and they gave me her glass kiln…I haven’t fused any glass yet………….but I will…..

I’m looking forward to it…..

I have my next few projects planned out already…I have all of the glass for one of them…..

When I recently started on my friend’s panel I discovered…because everything was put in quasi-storage during my hobby’s hiatus…some of the chemicals had gotten up to no good…..

Liquid flux is a tricksy acid…apparently I had forgotten to put it in a more durable container…..

…fluxed rheostat…

It had eaten through the plastic bottle…and my soldering iron handle & cord…and my rheostat case…and lifted all of the adhesives off all my rolls of copper foil…..

Oh well…..

Onward and upward…..

I don’t intend to take another hiatus…I have too many imagined projects…..

My older daughter recently found a stash of glass witch’s balls and friendship balls in the back of my closet…(I have a tendency to pack-rat things)…..

On Mother’s Day she pulled them out and hung them…everywhere…..

…..not necessarily conventional…but I like it…..

I do love working with glass…..

Notre Dame Cathedral’s Rose Window

*****(Update on the Restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral)*****

*****(Notre Dame’s Stained Glass)*****






#notredamecathedral #notredamesrosewindow

#wittmoredurgin #delphiglass #tiffany #steristrips #wellersolderingirons

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