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We’re hedging towards August…..

We’re zero’ing in on the height of shhhhh…shhhhh…(hurricane season)…..

…..it’s been quiet here so far…..


…a storm rolling in from the west…

…..maybe if we tip-toe though the middle of August up to & through the Ides of September…..

…..we might just luck out and totally skip through this season…..?…..maybe…..

…………………Hope Springs Eternal…………………

There’s a lot of Sahara dust blowing this way off of the African continent…..(that’s a good thing)…..

…..(every surface in my house reflects that Sahara dust)…..(that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it)…..

…..(Swiffers come here to die)…..

*****What’s A Swiffer?*****

I haven’t heard much about any current or necessary wind-shear…..

…(me at the beach)…

…..(wind-shear is my friend)…..

***What’s Wind Shear Again?***

I’ve been watching the weather “trends”…but what do I know about trends…..(?)…..

“They” talk about the very warm water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico…..

…..(steamy Gulf water makes things more favorable for hurricane formation)…..

…..(but isn’t the Gulf always going to be the hottest during July…August…and September?)…..

So I guess I’ll furtively keep track of the dust in the deserts of Africa…..

…..and hope for turbulently/unreliable—shifting/erratic wind fronts…..

It’s that white-knuckled/worrying time of the year again…..







#hurricaneseason #windshear #gulfofmexico #swiffer #sahara #saharadust #ides #saharadesert

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