Squirrel Babies

Squirrel Babies

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Suzanne-Annette has gone on vacation…..

…..but the week before she left…..she was gifted with some baby squirrels…..

…..they were orphaned & their eyes were still closed…..

…..I don’t know what happened to their mother…..

My older daughter gave her the wonderful puppy-formula-recipe that we use with all of our Irish Wolfhound puppies…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Puppy Formula~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

—–10  ounce (or 12 ounce) can Evaporated Milk (not Lowfat)

—–1   egg yolk

—–1   cup plain yogurt

—–1/2 teaspoon Karo Syrup (light or dark)

—–(optional:  3 ounces sterilized water)

***Everything gets whisked together (until smooth) and portions get warmed in a double-boiler at feeding times.


…..but it’s great stuff…..made fresh…..easy to get the ingredients…..and dynamite for raising orphaned puppies or supplementing Mom’s own milk…..

But squirrels…..?…..

…..why not?…..

Suzanne-Annette altered it a bit.  She used only egg whites and not the yolk…..and she didn’t add any water or Karo Syrup…..

And the little boogers took to it like mud on a pig…..

Suzanne-Annette has had a vacation planned for a long time…..

…..it’s hard for farm people to actually “get away” and go on a vacation…..

…..animals need qualified people to step in…to feed the animals…medicate whoever…read the signs of impeding doom…milk a goat…pull a calf…kill a moccasin…..

Pygmy Rattlesnake Trying To Get Into The Turkey Coop…

…..you know…..those sort of run-of-the-mill-things…..

Suzanne-Annette got everything covered…..she found expert care for her horses and livestock…..

…..but the baby squirrels…..(?)…..

…..that’s a unique situation…..

So…..I got them…..

…..along with lengthy instructions…..clean towels…..food…..and medications…..

And here we go………….

…..fortunately their eyes are open now…..(honestly, I didn’t think Suzanne-Annette would have been able to keep them alive to this point)…..

…..but she did…..

We have three fuzzy little Disney rats here now to feed and care for (and entertain the cats) while Suzanne-Annette is out West vacationing…..

*****Maybe They’re Eastern Gray Squirrels?*****








#squirrel, #puppyformula, #baby squirrel, #vacation, #bison,

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