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Here are a couple reasons why there are a lot of egg-themed holidays…and recipes…and activities in the Spring…..

It’s because every form of female poultry is kicking into egg-laying/over-time…..

…(Why did I stack these eggs so close to the edge?)-(Duh?)…

I’ve read that some people are struggling with their hens not laying eggs…..

I’ve been fortunate…..

…..my old biddies just keep laying…..

…..I don’t know why…..

…..maybe it’s the big piles of manure they keep kicking over and scratching at?…..

…..or maybe it’s our over-abundance of palmetto bugs & cockroaches?…..

…..no idea…whatsoever…..

But We Do Got Eggs…We Got Lots & Lots Of Eggs…..

The old girls have decided they don’t want to lay them the traditional way…in their individual laying boxes…in their coop…..

…(this is a public domain photo)…No eggs here…these are all roosters!…Ha!…

…..nooooo…they want to hide them everywhere that’s unsafe & dangerous…..

It’s at this time of year that I’m really glad the turkeys are still cooped-up…(remember how far abroad they would wander in search of their perfect (coyote-accessible) nests?)…..

…..(and how much time & effort it would take hunting them down in the swamp to retrieve the various/errant/irate hens?)…..

The same goes for the Runner Ducks…I count them coming out of the coop each morning…to make sure the head-count still lines up…..

Geez…between counting ducks…and finding each morning’s clandestine/covert cat whizzes………….I might as well just go back to bed…my day is complete…..

I’m currently sitting across from my older daughter…who’s dutifully eating poached eggs on toast for breakfast…..

We have gallon jars filled with hard-boiled eggs being pickled…..

There’s a winning chance we’re having a western omelette for dinner…..

…..odds are good there’ll be an up-coming quiche awaiting us on a menu…..

…..and…I just might be getting more mail-order chicks later this Spring…shhhhhhh…..

…..just saying…..






#poachedeggsontoast #oliveegger #freerangechickens #coyotehabitat #mailorderchicks

#chickeneggs #duckeggs #turkeyeggs #eggcartons #pioneerwomanproducts #quiche #omlette 

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