***Spiders of Florida***

***Spiders of Florida***

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In the past…..I know I’ve expounded on Florida’s (less than popular) “assets”…..

But here’s another good one…..


*****Spiders Of Florida*****

I’m not talking about the cute Daddy Long Legs…..

These guys, down here, are in a class all by themselves…..

I’ve already covered the Golden Orb/Garden Spiders that are abundant and outdoors…..

…..they’re the ones whose webs span across the trails and I end up eating them…..

…..there’s a yellow-something that coats the silk (?) threads of the webs…..

…..those threads are tough enough to use to floss your teeth!…..

…..and they are really sticky & difficult to pull off your face…..

…..the strings are always getting caught in my eyelashes & earrings & my teeth…..

…..(and because I ride one of the tallest horses in any outing)…..

…..(I always end up with my extra-special/extra-high webs…..just waiting for me & tall Addy to come along)…..

But now I’m going to talk about the INDOOR GARGANTUAN SPIDERS…..

Years ago (when my mom and dad were first married) they moved down to Miami from Ohio…..(huge move)…..

That was in the late 1940’s…..that whole “Lucille Ball & Desi Arnez-era (***”I Love Lucy” in Miami***)…..

Old Miami

…..I remember them talking about “Tommies” (sp?)……

“Tommies” were a term for big/huge household spiders who were allowed to stay in your house…..

Tommy…..(?)…..(Huntsman Spider?…..I don’t know)…

…..they would let them live in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom or in the back of the kitchen pantry…..maybe people would leave them for roach-control…..I don’t know…..

*****More Spider Stuff*****

NOT A Tommy…..(what ARE those headlights on its face!?!)…

…..but “Tommies” were “a thing” apparently…..

…..(although I can’t find ANY reference to them in the computer)…..

But we DO occasionally get them here in this house!…..!…..

Huge…..startling boogers…..

…..especially when I found one staring at me while I was naked in the shower…..

…..that’s just not cricket…..not cricket at all…..

…..I opened my eyes from rinsing my hair…..

…..and there he was…..in all of his spindly-scariness…..


…..all ready to jump on me…..

…..I’m really not a screamer…..but I came pretty close…..being naked and afraid and in the shower…..

He Migrated To Another Wall…

…..the ghosts of my parents said I couldn’t squish him…..

…..so he stayed…..

…..but I kept a close eye on him…..

I’m subsequently less clean these days…..showers in steamy/hot/sweaty Florida have lost their appeal for me somehow…..

*****Huntsman Spider*****

A (blurry) Ex-Tommy Hanging In The Garage…






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