~Solar Flares~

~Solar Flares~

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So I recently learned what “CME” means…..

…..Coronal Mass Ejection…..

*****(National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Explanation)*****

This last weekend there was “one-of-those” or several of those that hurtled towards and hit the earth…on our side of the planet…..

It kind of brings you out of your navel-staring moments and makes you look at the broader spectrum of things…..

Solar Flares

…..like the Universe and stuff…..

It puts things in perspective…I guess?  Like…the galaxy’s a pretty big place…..

Here’s a very basic question (and or observation)…..

…..is it fair to say…that when it’s night time…does the CME effects…not apply…to the side of our planet that’s dark(?)…..

…..or do the proton-thingies get oozed around the dark back side of the planet too?…..

…..I’m assuming…no…..

*****(And The Environmental Protection Agency Weighs In)*****

But that’s just old housewife logic…..

You know…things like Pole-Shifts…Extinction Events………….are all super important…..

…..but if you don’t take something out of the freezer to defrost…the options for dinner are going to impact your life too…..

I suppose pizza delivery would be out of the question during an extinction event…..

…..(is this a good time to mention that the photos of the Northern Lights have been really pretty?)…..

…..(too soon?)…..

So…I guess being on the third rock from the sun has its challenges and limitations…..

…..but I’d like to point out that I didn’t pick the real estate…I just ended up here…..

It’s my carousel…and I’ll keep plunking in the tokens…that’s all I can do…..

Geomagnetism is beyond anything I can dust or vacuum or halter train…..


I’m just here for the ride…I’m trying to make good choices…and fit in a little spiritual growth at the same time…..

I’m not trying to be glib…I’m really not…but what can I do other than defrost the chicken quarters for dinner(?)…..

…..and that’s about it…..

You do what you can…and then you just get on with your day…..

*****(Just In Case: How To Make A Faraday Cage)*****






#solarradiation #extinctionevent #northernlights #auroraborealis #

#coronalmassejection #epa #noaa #protons #solarradiation #cme #faradaycage

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