Sink Hole Saga #1 (to be continued………..)

Sink Hole Saga #1 (to be continued………..)


********************Sink Hole Video********************

As the crow flies our home is about eight miles (or less) from the home in this video and this sub-division.


Sink Hole #101:  Florida has a limestone base which has been built up from millions of years of dead crustaceans and similar critters.



Limestone can erode into underground caves with water movement.




The aquifer is Florida’s sub-terrarium source of fresh (non-saline), potable water.



During drought years (or over-pumping of the potable water)-(and that’s another story in itself…), the water-filled sub-terrarium caves become partially or completely drained and they become partially or completely hollow and empty…


Then depending on their depth or what’s above them on the surface, they may or may not collapse……………..


……………..and voila———Sink Holes…………….

And then if a building happens to be above a sinking sink hole………..

Stucco Wall Damage



………….damage ensues…



And that’s what happened to our home too………….X4…………or was if five?

I’ll cover that in another post…

And then……………….

…………………..there’s a sport called cave-diving which is very popular in Florida………(why?…………I DO NOT know).


But for those very brave scuba divers, it’s an alluring sport…………..I discovered years ago……………I am not one of those divers.  

I am not cut out of the same cloth (or should I say neoprene wet suit material)…………nope, I’m not even anywhere close to being that brave…

…………just thinking about cave-diving makes me immediately incontinent…………


I mean———those underground caves are mazes of completely dark, water-filled, passage-ways and chambers………….


One infamous cave diving destination is called “the Eagles Nest”.

This is actually a water-filled sink hole in our back yard……..but it looks really similar to the surface opening to the Eagle’s Nest…


From the surface, it just looks like a big boggy puddle in a Florida swamp…

It has quite a history…




A lot of the Eagle’s Nest’s history is quite tragic……………and yet people still go there…………..(?)

I don’t believe it has ever been thoroughly mapped out………….there are far reaching chambers that are still unexplored…………..

I don’t get it…………………….it’s all so dark……………….(?)……………….and underground…………….(?)…………….and filled with water…………….(?)……………and that means………… air(?)…(?)…(?)………..

*****National Geographic/The Eagles Nest*****

*****Map Of Eagles Nest*****

*****Official Park System Description*****






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