Mom came home!

The lung clots aren’t gone, but they have her on medicine to stop others from forming.  So, all in all, more questions than answers and I’m not thrilled with the lack of resolution.  However, my sister and I are happy Mom’s home.  So are the animals…including the Wolfhound stud puppy, Acacias.  Who’s been looking for her everywhere.

I don’t think she knew I grabbed this photo of her hugging him or rather him hugging her.

Acacias & Mom

I finally have SOME proof of what the cats have been up to.

They corroborated with Drogo (my Jack Russell) to steal egg shells (which I was saving to grind up for my new potato plants).  They shoved them off the counter and onto the floor for him to snag.

He looks guilty doesn’t he?

This was AFTER I’d thrown a bunch of shells off my blanket on the couch where he HAD been chewing them.  He snagged the remaining shell and ran BACK to the couch…right in front of me!

And this wasn’t all he did that day.

I had to put the dog pack out prior to leaving to pick up Mom.  I stayed to watch Acacias to make sure Sabine or Val didn’t coerce him into putting his face on the electric fence or eating something poisonous or venomous.

Chickens vacating their usual tromping grounds…

This is a Drogo + Poultry Portent if I ever saw one…..

…..because I’m calling for him and he’s vanished…..

Nailed it…Run honey!

Now, as silly as it sounds…I need Mom’s hunter-jumper friends to notice the pacing this hen had over these boards ????   No, I’m serious.

I blew up both of them so we can see the hen’s legs and spacing.

Ignore the “innocently” frozen Jack Russell.

Perfect stride between the two boards.

Now, you’re going to say.  Well, she just stepped on the boards…you’re just making this up.

Except, I prepped for the cynicism.  I even blew up the photo for us to BEHOLD.

Exhibit B…this hen IS airborne over the double jump. Very scopey.

So, I put Drogo back in the backyard and decided I needed to watch him to see if he’d even pee’d.

He’s delaying Mom’s extraction team from rappelling in through her hospital AC vent and busting her out.

My sister & me on the move…

Drogo wasn’t truly done.  Noooooo, who needs to pee when there’s a perfectly good Wyandotte rooster with gorgeous feathers waiting to be plucked out?

Drogo spotted Rooster Rex on the other side of the fence, with Sabine in tow.

Now for the obligatory “Is Mom watching me”.

Boom!…There it is!…I’m on your six, Mister.!

From that point forward, he was our sweet Angel Baby Drogo Muffin.  He has his vices…I have mine.

…..(The irony is, he can’t eat poultry as a protein-base in his food…because he’s got a sensitive stomach.)

We always want what we can’t have…huh?

Remember how I said that there were EKG stickums stuck all over the hospital?

I said that I’d get a photo of any I found?

Well…I got one better.

Look at all those EKG stickums…..

Why does it look like he’s standing on a Zamboni?

They have to scrape them off!!!!!

I never realized they were piling up on the signage too…I only noticed them on the benches and columns.

Me thrilled with everything coming full circle

Don’t worry Mom.  I took this photo when traffic was at a standstill…besides…my sister had her eyes on the road for me.  (That’s funnier when you know my sister’s sight-impaired).

…..(besides it was like 1mph)…..

FYI…I’ve done way worse on horseback…Just ask Ester.

Without further ado.  I’ll take my soap box and skedaddle.  I can only pretend to be funny for so long. I’m more tech-support and farm-hand.

I’m just so glad she’s back home.  Plus, Drogo and I need a nap.

*******This is Mom***I am SO Happy to be back home***Onward & Upward*******







6 thoughts on “SHE’S HOME, YA’LL

    1. I’m a crap patient. I saw a couple good movies. I recommend “Elvis”. No good cookies. Sooooo glad I’m home…I didn’t need a shower after all the Wolfhounds checked me over and snorgled me EVERYWHERE. The cats all acted aloof…but they missed me…and they pee’d on my pillow. (They need some schooling on expressing love).

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