Shaving Cream & Easter Eggs

Shaving Cream & Easter Eggs


Who would have guessed.

Coloring hard-boiled Easter Eggs in shaving cream!


But we just did……….and it worked!?!

No boiling water, no fizzy tablets.

Just shaving cream foamed into a pyrex pan, then food coloring swirled in.


Those are the prep directions…………………(we did pre-wash the hard-boiled eggs in a vinegar bath first).

Then you roll an egg from one side of the pan to the other.  Put the goopy egg on a paper towel afterwards to dry for about ten minutes.


Wipe off the goop, and poof you’re done…….!!!




We do have the obligatory, food-coloring-stained fingers.

Patrice does have a big teal stain on her bibs…………….but hey, that goes with the seasonal-territory, doesn’t it?


For Easter, I buy store-bought eggs for coloring and hard-boiling.

Our brown eggs don’t get as vibrantly colored as the white ones.

Plus, the real fresh farm eggs that are hard-boiled don’t peel as well (or as easily) as the store-bought (older and more stale) ones from the grocery store…………………just saying.



Earlier today, for another seasonally-appropriate activity, I was up to my elbows in bunny poop while I was re-vamping our rabbit hutches………………still a work in progress………………(i.e., it’s not done yet).




I have discovered that my original choice of wiring, when I was first making the hutches, was too close (dimensionally-speaking) to the average rabbit-pellet-sized-dropping……………………hence, the over-accumulated pile of poop in each of the hutches……………………it was “supposed” to drop pristinely through the wiring.

So today, (with my work gloves on—–for a change) I started cutting the 1/2″ x 1/2″ wire bottoms out, while replacing them with 1/2″ x 1″ wiring.

I’m looking forward to pristine-droppage of bunny poop in the future.

At least, that’s my plan anyway…


I need a shower…






















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