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One would think that with the advancement of years…..

…..there would be a parallel advancement of intellect…..

One would like to think that…..

…..however…I haven’t found that to be the case…yet…..

I’m a big proponent of supplements………….vitamins…minerals…but mostly capsuled herbs…..

…..I’ve been doing this for years…..

…..but…sometimes I can screw up the simplest routines…..

I have an organizational…prism-colored…”Tower-O-Pills Dispensary”…(that’s best said with a diminishing-echo-effect)…..

…..Clear is for Monday…Red is for Tuesday…Orange is for Wednesday…Yellow is for…..

…..I’m sure you get the idea…..

All is fine and good…if you know what day it is…and IF you’ve filled the “Tower-O-Pills” properly…..

…..(and therein lies the rub)…..(…the origin of Bill’s Quote…)

I now know what I did wrong…I double-filled the Niacin capsules…(no Niacinamide for this old girl)…..

…..(just in case you were curious about the difference between Niacin & Niacinamide)…..

…..Silly Me…..

…..and all of the white capsules look EXACTLY the same…..

But I just recently discovered that a double-dose of Niacin can REALLY give you crimson/itchy skin…..

…..and hives…..

…..my cuticles are even itching!…..

I’d be typing quicker…but it’s hard to accomplish very much…between all of the itching…..

I’ve done some quick Yahoo-Searching…and I’ve found that the “red flush” (THAT’s an understatement!)…..

…..is short lived…..

…..(says who?)…(compared to what?)…..I guess it’s from capillary vasodilation…..I’m assuming…..

…..I’d put it in the cheap-high category…hey…at my age…I shouldn’t be complaining…..

I’d like to think it has some sort of benefit…..maybe it’ll wash out some of the extra/accumulated plaque in my arteries?…maybe…..(?)…..

But here’s a fun-little-aside…I can’t tell which of the week’s/daily/capsules are the double dosage?…..

…..and being a frugal person at heart…I can’t waste them by throwing them all out…..

Well maybe being forwarned will make the next six days easier…knowing the “Niacin Flush” is on its way…..

…..(Niacin Flush)…..







#hives #niacin #niacinimide #niacinflush #yahoo #yahoosearch #hamlet #thereinliestherub

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