Scary Movies…..alone..!

Scary Movies…..alone..!

Don’t Do It…..

Just Don’t…..that’s my fervently-sincere suggestion…..

I recently did…..and regretted it profoundly & profusely…..

l’ll plug this movie… was great…..I hated it… is not for the feint of heart…..

…..but my heart condition held up throughout…..

…..”The Tomorrow Wars”…..

Oh My God…..Oh My God…..Oh My God…..Oh My God…..!

… daughters weren’t home…..

…..I don’t know what possessed me to watch it…..

…..oh, wait…..

… older daughter texted me and suggested it…..

…..we’ll have words later…..

…..or maybe it was paybacks for when I colored-in her Jack Russell…..?…..

…..there is that…..


I won’t spoil the movie…..just don’t watch it alone!!!

…..have plenty of pillows to shred…..

…..have popcorn at the ready to throw at the screen…..

…..I didn’t have either…..

…..I paced a lot…..

…..I did have smeared/marker-ink all over me from clutching the various dogs I could catch…..

(not one of our dogs…..but you get the idea)…

I will say…Charlie and Conspiracy Santa were my favorites…..

…..(who knew selling insurance could be so multi-faceted?)…..

… first…..I thought living on an oil rig was the best idea ever…..

…..I do know…..I HATE CGI…..

…..or…..was it real…..?…..

I did blow up my older daughter’s phone with reams of texts throughout the entirety of the movie…..

… was mostly one-sided…..

…..(but I was happy knowing that she was being disturbed by all of my repeated binging)…..

…..On “The Scale of Incontinence”…..?…..

…..I’ll give this movie a full Five-Out-Of-Five…..

It’s almost twenty-four hours later…..and I’m still exhausted…..

…..I hated it…..

…..I loved it…..

…..I hated it…..

… broke my brain…..

…..and I’d suggest having plenty of mediocre bourbon at the ready to go to sleep the following night…..

…..I know I did…..

…..I need a nap…..






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