~Sandhill Cranes~

~Sandhill Cranes~

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Sandhill Cranes

It’s Spring…..

Babies are showing up…..

Babies that I didn’t even know were out there percolating…..

I try to keep track of the ducks and chickens…but there are a lot of them…and only one of me…..

…..and they’re so sneaky…..

Some of the hens successfully sequester themselves for the necessary time to hatch their eggs…..

Some………….I never know about…..

I try to keep up with the flock…but if they choose not to return to the safety of their coop at night…and I can’t find them with a flashlight in the dark…then I hope they’ve chosen a really good place to hide to hatch their babies…..

Our area in Florida is home for a number of Sandhill cranes…(along with a lot of other interesting/odd birds)…..

***(A Guide To Sandhill Cranes)***

Cranes Warbling…

Sandhill cranes are usually low-key throughout the year…but in the Spring…they’re out struttin’ their stuff…..

It’s Springtime now…and the proud pairs are out & about…..

They mate for life…..

…..(I don’t know how they manage to keep the predators away from their nests)…..

At this time of year…their little/yellow/poofy/crane-lettes have hatched out and are learning to manage their spindly legs…with backwards knees…..

***(More On Sandhill Cranes)*** 

They have their territories…which aren’t marked by ribbons or flags…but you know if you’ve crossed into one…..

…..sometimes (a lot of times) they think their home-turf consists of a grocery store parking lot…or business complex landscaping…..

They’ll act like impromptu Crossing-Guards when they want to cross a road…(traffic comes to a standstill…if they’re lucky)…..

Their behavior shows they believe they’re on top of the food-chain (it’s all a matter of attitude)…..

***(Big Birds)***

A number of years ago…I discovered…it wasn’t wise to approach a Sandhill crane and his/her partner straight on…..

#1—They are taller than you think…..

#2—Their patience is very short…..

#3—Their beaks are much much longer & sharper than the photos suggest…..

#4—And Don’t—Don’t put your arms out when approaching them…(apparently it’s construed as aggressive behavior)…(I’m quite sure it is)…..

…..and finally…..

#5—Don’t think for one minute that those backward bending knees can’t propel them after you with alarming speed…..

…..(I did make it to the safety of my truck)…(but…only just)…(I was traumatized)…..

Sandhill cranes are equipped to survive in “the wild” much better than my silly chickens…..

…..just saying…..





#nesting chickens #broodinghens

#sandhillcranes #nationalaudobonsociety #floridasendangeredandthreatenedspecies 

2 thoughts on “~Sandhill Cranes~

  1. I just love them. I had to stop for a lone crane crossing the street. I was sad all morning thinking about the missing mate.

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