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Sam as a Kitty.

Sam has moved on…..

I would have loved for him to stay longer…..but that wasn’t the plan…..

Sam & Archimedes

…..I only recently figured out that he was eleven years old…..

…..he was older than I thought…..

I miss him a lot…..

He was my buddy…..

…..A Good Good Friend…..

Archimedes and Sam were litter mates…..they were the oldest boys here…..

Sam & Archimedes

But last year Sam developed a urinary tract issue…..not terribly unusual for neutered male cats…..

…..but it can be very serious…..older cats can develop urinary crystals that become lodged in their plumbing…..

Prosecco & Sam

It’s important to keep indoor cats well-hydrated to augment their ability to pee easily…..

Sam made it through that first bout…..

Neil  &  Sam

…..(his wasn’t to the degree of formed crystals)…..

…..but nonetheless he had a clog due to plumbing-inflammation…..

Sam & Archimedes

He was holding his own (with side-dishes of soupy-gravy made from jars of chicken baby food along with d-Mannose powder and some flax-seed oil)…..

But last week Sam’s issues switched from the urinary tract to the bowel system…..(?)…..

…..the only thing good about everything that happened next…..was that it was quick…..

Sam stopped eating…..his colon began to prolapse…..

Ben  &  Sam

Doctor Brigid checked him…..we started treatment…..the prolapse progressed…..it became necrotic…..

….nothing worked…..Sam was in pain…..

Archimedes  &  Sam  &  Copernicus

I hate those necessary decisions…..they have to be made…..

…..and I don’t hesitate…..

…..but Geez…..I hate those decisions…..

Doctor Brigid was kind…..she’s had to do this so many more times than I’ve ever had to…..

…..it’s an impossible/necessary kindness…..

And now…..

…..I just miss my friend…………………very very much…..






#bombayblack #prolapsedcolon #uti #d-mannose #flaxseedoil #babyfood #burmese

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