

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*****

Here’s an up-date on Sam…..

He’s still a cool dude…..

Sam & Neil

Sam’s the kitty-kat-ums who had the urinary blockage and had to go to Doctor Russell’s for an emergency visit…..

He’s still amongst us…..he’s not pushing up daisy’s…..yet…..(sigh)…..

Archimedes & Sam & Copernicus…Kahlua & Neil

***Sam’s Earlier Pee-Pee Blockage Post***

…..he’s only eight years old…..

…..cats are built like airplane engines…..if you take care of them…..they’ll last a long time…..

…..except for the urinary-tract-issues with neutered boys…..

…..their plumbing is set up for failure…..

Sam & Archimedes

…..and Sam (apparently/I’ve been told) has been under stress…..

…..poor/poor kitty…..life is hard…..

Prosecco & Sam

We finished poking antibiotics down his throat with the help of a pill poker…..

The Infamous Poker…

…..(its a syringe-type-set-up that keeps your fingers fairly safe from snapping fangs and jaws)…..

…..I have a thick/padded kitty-bag…..

Cat Medicine Bag…

…..it’s like a glorified potato sack with a secure drawstring neck opening…..

Sam is not happy when he’s stuffed into it and cinched in with the string-tie-toggle…..

…..(he has big teeth)…..

After finishing all of his med’s…..my friend Doctor Brigid…..suggested I continue with powdered vitamin C mixed with tuna juice…..

…..twice a day…..

…..(I took the liberty of adding some drops of apple cider vinegar along with additional drops of flaxseed oil and some D-Mannose powder)…..

…..(hey…..while we’re making him take supplements…..we might as well make it worth everyone’s while)…..

…..(he gets all of the above mixed in with his smelly tuna juice)…..

…..He hates us while we’re bagging him…..

…..But…..he likes it afterwards when he’s licking his lips…..

…..(he’s going to hate us regardless)…..

My older daughter & I have been smelling a lot like beached/dead tuna these last few days…..

…..Sam has a tendency of spitting his tuna-drool on us….

The Wolfhounds like us though…..

…..they follow us around the rest of the day…..cleaning off Sam’s drool juice…..

*****aaahhhhhhh…The Circle Of Life*****






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