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Sabine as a baby…

Sabine…is a hound dog…pure and simple…..

She’s sweet…she wants to please…what more could you ask?…..

Sabine wants to be good…sometimes…she just forgets what being good means…..

…..she usually (almost always) forgets what being good means…..

Adolescent Sabine digging a hole…under the house…

Sabine never grew out of her puppyhood chewing phase…..

When we need to leave the house…we have to Sabine-proof everything…..

…..you have to think of things from Sabine’s point of view—it’s so easy—it’s hard…..

She doesn’t think in depth…there are no nuances…no plotting…just the surface/two-dimensional reality that happens to be in front of her face…at that moment…..

So when we go somewhere…and Sabine is left to her own devices (very simple devices)…we leave “loss leaders” for her to “find”…and chew up…..

It’s just easier that way………….and I’m all in for easier…..

She’s thrown us a couple curves recently…..

She by-passed a truly tasty-looking (decoy) notepad…and snagged my daughter’s beloved pencil case…..

Now…that wasn’t the plan…..

The sacrificial note pad was left without a drool mark or a dog ear’ed page (HA!)…but my older daughter’s pencil case was lovingly………….destroyed…..

…..(I’ve since tried to resurrect the poor thing…but darning can only do so much)…..

My daughter is one of those pen-geeks…(so a pencil case is sacrosanct to her)…..

She can tell you about a writing implement right down to its nib angle and ink viscosity—(depending on the day’s temperature and humidity)…(it’s a little frightening)…..

*****(What is the Official Name of a Pen Geek?)*****

…..I don’t judge…besides…I know who to go to when I need a pen…..

But back to Sabine…..

On two occasions now…my daughters & I have had a chance to have our own inner “I Told You So’s” with Sabine…..

I bought a pair of five pound dumbbells to increase my arm strength (for riding)…(I keep one on the window sill by the toilet)…..

…..(Hey!…Don’t Laugh…it’s a good place to take advantage of a little down time)…..

And the other dumb bell is on the hearth by the couch…..

Now on three separate occasions…we’ve heard a dumb bell clunk loudly to the tile floor…and Sabine go running from the room…..

I think she expected a nice little chew toy…complete with its own middle handle…that she could perfectly pick up…chew on…and destroy…..

…..hopefully…the weights squished her tongue and clunked her teeth…while they fell out…..


Pay backs…Sabine!…..

I wonder if she’ll learn?………….(I doubt it…that would take a couple more brain cells than she currently has in inventory)…..





#nordictrack #

#amazonbasicdumbbells #pelletron #corehomefitness #nautilusfitness #bowflex

#akc #irishwolfhound #titanfitness #repfitness #roguefitness #powerblocpro #zipit

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