~~~Running In Mud~~~

~~~Running In Mud~~~

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You know when you have a nightmare and you’re trying to run…..but you can’t because you’re knee-deep in mud…..?

Remember that fixer-upper house that we call home…..?…..

It’s been like one of those mud-dreams…..

We’re still here…..

…..remember the enclosed-back-porch-project…..?…..

…..surprise…..it’s still on-going…..


…..(double sigh)…..

It’s almost done…..(I want to believe)…..

…..well…..really…..I don’t know anymore…..

You Call It A Shack…I Call It My Home…No Project Gets Finished Here…

…..it’s all still such a mess…..

…..we want to…..we’re trying to…..get it closed in & weather-proofed before this season’s rains begin…..

…..but like I said…..it’s like running in mud…..

…..and soon there will be real mud EVERYWHERE…..

…..(triple sigh)…..

What’s that expression…..(?)…..

…..where there’s a will…..there’s a way…..(?)…..

So here’s the situation…..

The screened porch is now constructed out of cement block (mostly) and windows…..

But it has stalled at that point…..

We tried to get the exterior sealed and painted…..

…..but the painters won’t complete “that” until the internal sides of the external walls are finished…..

…..which means more installation of insulation…..more framing…..and the interior walls finally being covered with Duraroc or beadboard…..


…..that’s where we are right now…..just twiddling our thumbs…..

We have to get the original team back to finish the inside more thoroughly…..

…..before the outside can be caulked…..sealed…..and painted…..



…..what fun…..


…..and the rains are right around the corner…..

The Front Driveway/After an Afternoon Rain………..






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