Round Pen

Round Pen

Round Pen Entrance

What’s a round pen…….(?)

… may well ask…….

We have a round pen…….

.*****Round Pen ~~~ What’s It All About?*****

Round pens are used in horse training…

Round Pens Should Not Have Any Vegetation Inside Them

***Just In Case You Wanted More Round Pen Information***

We’ve had a large/heavy-duty round pen with multiple panels for a long time…

It was rarely used…

It needs sanding and re-painting…..(again)…

It also needs some re-welding…

I’ve tried some of my own repairs with my handy-dandy Mig welder…….

*****To MIG?…..Or To TIG?…..That Is The Question*****

…..or is it a Tig(?)…….

…..I’m really not sure…….

…..either way…….

…..I’m not very good at it…….

…..but I do have a nifty welding helmet…..with blue lightening decals on both sides…….

…..I sometimes wear it to the grocery store…..

…..(it makes me look like I know what I’m doing)…..

But I don’t…….

… I’ve resorted to using hay-string-repair-jobs versus welding…..

It creates that desirable/professional-look…

And let’s not forget the Jurassic Park-esque weeds and vines that took over…..

…..sub-tropical-flora that has grown to multiple-story height in the middle of the round pen…..

Very Tall Pokeweed~~~(Just What Is Pokeweed???)

…..they’ve become very scary…..

…..super-tall…..super-huge…..with clinging arms and sharp teeth…

I Have No Idea What These Are

…..I had to venture in carefully at high noon to hack & hew & lop it all down…..before they ate me…

A Vegetation Potpourri
Massive Pokeweed “Trunk”

~~~~~~~But Someone Had To Do It~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~It HAD To Be Done~~~~~~~

Because~~~~~~~Brave needs to be trained-up………….finally…………… last…..

Tra!  La!

We haven’t been able to find anyone who has been willing & able to commit to the time necessary for this task…..

Then…..Suzanne-Annette introduced me to Rhiannon…..

Brave…..Rhiannon…..And Dead Pokeweed

…..she’s a horse-trainer who has worked with S-A’s thoroughbreds and warmbloods very successfully…..

Rhiannon has recently come over and met Brave…..

…..and they liked each other…..

…..(that’s important)…..

Brave & Rhiannon

……………, Brave prefers women…………….yes, he does)…..

…..and now Rhiannon is willing to start working with him…..

BUT…..the jungle-of-a-round-pen needed to be tamed first…..

(I still have nightmares about some of those plants…….)





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