~~~Rooting Yams~~~

~~~Rooting Yams~~~

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My younger daughter has a horticultural job…..

…..she grows vegetables to sell…..

A few years ago…she attended the Florida School for the Deaf & the Blind and graduated from their vocational college with a Certificate of Horticultural Management…..

*****(Florida School For The Deaf & The Blind and First Coast College Information)*****

As a result…we get some interesting home projects…..

Currently she (we) is/are sprouting sweet potatoes on the back of the kitchen sink…..

They’re doing well…even with the “help” from the house cats…who have found the water in the jars to be the bestest-drinking-water ever…..

It would be fine if they just took a drink…now and then…but they have to simultaneously raccoon-clean their paws at the same time…..

…..while tipping it over…..

…..and breaking the toothpicks…..

Cats are always so supportive and helpful…..

We are managing to get some sprouts on our experimental sweet potatoes…along with some fine/white/hairy roots…..

…..and…fruit flies…lots…and…lots…of fruit flies…..

…..(the cats love chasing them too)…..

We might bring this project to fruition…(I doubt it)…..

There are just too many moving pieces to it…I mean the sweet potatoes aren’t the problem…..

…..it’s the dehydrated cats with criminal-intent…and their enticing fruit-fly-quarry…..

We know the cats are going to knock over the water-filled jars with their paw-hygiene & bug-pursuit…or just eat off the potato-sprouts…..

It’s probably a pointless project…..

I can’t wait until we start sprouting seeds…I’m sure the cats will consider them their personal/all-you-can-eat buffet…..

…..maybe if I simultaneously sprout a bunch of birdseed for them to eat at the same time?…it might re-direct them…..

…..or maybe I should figure a way to suspend the sprouting project on a hanging screen-platform from the porch ceiling?…..

…..(the cats would just turn into trapeze artists to reach it)…..

Geez…this project is becoming convoluted…..

…..and it’s developed into more of my older daughter’s project…and not the younger one’s…..

If it’s not the goats outside…it’s the cats inside…or my trick-sie/manipulative younger daughter…..

…..this gardening-thing is really rough…..

Cami reclining in the container garden…AFTER having eaten all the sprouts…






#staugustineflorida #containergarden #sweetpotato

#heirloomseeds #sprouting #fsdb #floridaschoolforthedeafandblind #firstcoasttechnicalcollege

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