Rocket Man Gets A Bath

Rocket Man Gets A Bath

I guess it was a bath…..

It seemed more like a mini-rodeo with a tiny/incensed horse…..

However, we (the bi-peds) prevailed…..

…..thanks to well-positioned leverage…..good reflexes…..appropriately-timed social distancing (which always applies on a farm with livestock)…..and a Can-Do-Attitude…..

Rocket Man is soggy & clean (temporarily) & has learned to tolerate his first bath…..

…..(and yet again, the tiny nylon halter DID NOT break-away)…..

We had to bath R.M. because we had to body-clip him…..

…..that last sentence sounded so simple & short, didn’t it?…..

…..We Had To Body-Clip Him…..

…..(it still looks so simple on paper)…..

…..let me assure you… was anything but simple…..

I am NOT a petite woman…..I may be saggy…..I may be old…..but I can still pin a foal against a stall wall and keep him immobile for the length of time it takes to shear him…..

My older daughter is adept & extremely quick with the clippers…..

… have to be…..

…..a foal is sure you are going to kill it with this strange/electrical/buzzing device…..


But…..Rocket Man came into this world like a wooly mammoth…..

…..and with Florida’s see-saw temperatures in the winter…..he was over-heating on the warmer days…..

Midway Through The Clip Job

… his excessive fur coat had to go…..

…..we don’t do pretty here…..

…..pretty’s NOT on the report card…..

But with a “Git’ Er’ Done” attitude…..and some channeled inner-angst & rage…..

…..body-checking a draft horse colt was easier than I had remembered…..

It wasn’t a pretty job…..

It wasn’t something that would win a ribbon…..

But it was a thorough clip and it did what we wanted it to…..

…..which was to remove some of his excessive insulation…..

And that’s why Rocket needed a bath…..

… get all of the little-hairy-itchies off of him…..

His temperature is lower and where it should be now…..

…..he’s had his first hair-cut…..

…..he’s had his first bath…..

And my older daughter & I headed for the house for our much-needed hosing…..

…..AND…his tiny/little/nylon halter DID NOT break…(thank you Mary Constance)…..

…..(Count your Blessings…..especially the little ones)…..

…..TRA  LA…..

Definitely Not Me…..(she has the wrong hair color)…






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