~~~~~Rocket Man~~~~~

~~~~~Rocket Man~~~~~

The adventures of Rocket Man continue…..

He’s up…..he’s nursing well…..he’s filling out…..he’s getting strong…..

………….he’s a booger…………..

………….and now………….we introduce…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Halter~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He doesn’t know what it’s all about………….yet………….

He doesn’t know how the advent of a halter will affect the rest of his life…..

He is thoroughly unsuspecting…..


………….Game On, Pony-Boy!………….

I learned from the Amish up north in Ohio to leave a piece of hay string or rope on the halter’s ring…..

…..all the better to grab onto & catch as the whirling-dervish whizzes past…..

My older daughter & I did some quick (less than professional) repair work on the barn’s paddock…..

…..we had to replace some rotted posts…..and broken boards…..

…..we strung fake electric wiring above the wire panels…..so he could start to get used to seeing it before we ultimately put the “juice” through it…..

…..it’s the safest/most secure place…..

…..for a new foal to run and frolic and cavort…..

Rocket man can get his sea-legs in the paddock and remain relatively safe from potential injuries and ow’ies that ALL babies seem to attract and seek out…..

On the first day out, we let Claire and her son socialize with Addy…..

…..Addy was a bit overly zealous…..


…..she needs to improve her Auntie-Addy-behavior…..

…..(Note to Self: Try to resist punching a Clydesdale as a form of discipline)…..

…..(they don’t notice…..and you end up with a hand that looks like this)…..

…(it really smarts)—(the crooked ring-finger is from halter-training another draft baby in the past)—(I wouldn’t make a good hand model…would I)…

…..(I’m thinking I need to get my bone-density checked again)….

…..Just saying…..

So Addy’s misbehavior is one of the main reasons we had to do some quick renovations on the barn’s paddock…..

All is well now…..

Rocket Man is able to do laps and wipe-outs in the relative safety of his own little pasture…..

Onward and upward…..






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