~Insomnia vs. Restful Sleep~

~Insomnia vs. Restful Sleep~

You know that sixth sense…..?

We all have it…..

I’ve always encouraged my daughter’s to listen to what their instincts are telling them.

When you’re around animals as much as we are…..

…..you inadvertently hone “that feeling” to a fine edge…

…..even when you’re sleeping…..

Remember that restful night’s sleep that was easily had as a child…..?…..

…..well, that’s been long gone…..

Recently “something” woke me up in the wee hours of the morning…..

…..(something other than my bladder)…..

…..but while walking back down the hallway from the bathroom…..

…..(hey, why waste a good opportunity?)…..

…..I stopped by the video surveillance monitor to check to see what was going on out in the pastures…

And sure enough…..there was Brave…..nostrils flared…..doing donuts in his pasture…..

The mare’s were non-plussed…..

…..but…..what was up out there?…..

It’s always good to follow one’s instincts…..

…..and so I did…..

…..(my instincts could have been a waste of time)…..

…..(but what if they weren’t)…..?

…..what if something was amiss outside?…..

…..so…..out to the pasture I trudged…..

…..my headlamp on high-beam…..

…..all I succeeded in doing was making my horses irritated and blinky…..

…..Brave had stopped doing his donuts by the time I got out there…..

…..but given our history of poisoning and bad luck…..

…..being overly-reactive was an appropriate reaction in my book…..

…..plus I’m creaky and cranky and I dare anyone or anything to harass me in the wee/dark hours of the morning…..

Did sleep come again that evening…..?…..

…..maybe for Brave…..

…..but not for me…..I heard every squeak & groan & moan of this old house and the land outside…..

…..until I saw in another dawn…..

…..and another day begins…..

Morning Over The Swamp






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