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This last Saturday our Fox Hunt Club had a Hunt at one of my favorite fixtures…..

*****Croom State Forest*****

It’s a wild place…with lots of trees (well…it is a forest after all)…and meadows…and railroad tracks bordering on one end of the tract of land…..

…..with a narrow ingress & egress to the parking area…made up of a sugar-sand/one-lane road…..

…..(if you remember a few years ago…that was where there was a fast/cold storm that mired all the trucks and horse trailers…and just about everyone had to be winched out)…..

…..Fun Times…..

…..Good Memories…..

…..there are even cliffs and ravines that I’ve traversed in the past while Hunting…the kind you have to grab ears going up and hang onto the cantle going down…..

*****(Quick Quiz on the Parts of an English Saddle)*****

Memories of bruised knees from ricocheting off trees and dented hard hats from ducking under limbs at break neck speeds…..Good Times…..

Well…this one’s not my story…but I have to re-tell it…it’s too good not to…..

I asked Mary Constance how Saturday’s Hunt was…(I knew it had been at Croom)—(Croom always has good stories)…..

…..and Croom did not disappoint…..

“Red” is Mary Constance’s go-to mount to Whip off of…(my grammar teacher is echoing in my head—–“don’t ever end a sentence with a preposition”)—(HA!)…..

Red’s in between the Black Horse and the White Horse

…..where was I?…..

So…Mary Constance is one of our most experienced Whipper-Ins with the Hunt…her favorite horse to whip from is Red…..

***(Whipper-Ins Explained)***


…..And She Told Me They Got On A~~~7.1~~~MILE~~~RUN~~~On Saturday At Croom…..

…..(Two Coyotes…One Black  &  One Brown)…..

…..it’s not easy terrain either………….not at Croom…never at Croom…..

Mary Constance & Red’s Travels at Croom…

Mary Constance said it was a great Hunt…Red was conditioned and totally fit for the run…(Mary Constance is the consummate horsewoman)…..

The coyotes have had their aerobics for the week and are somewhere in Georgia right now…..

Red is a cool horse…I saw photos of her…(after Hurricane Ian went through)…standing in her stall…without a roof on the barn…with debris all around her…she was chillin’ and just fine…..

…..now that’s a great Hunt Horse!…..

…..and me…well…we know where I am…..

I have my butt glued to the couch next to the puppies…(I might as well…I’ve got no leg muscles…I’m still out-of-breath just walking around(?)…and my horse died)…..

…..(geez…that sounds bad)…..

Well…suck it up Buttercup…life’s filled with disappointments & opportunities…..


…..go saddle up Brave…and quit whining…and hang onto that cantle!…..

(What the Fox Hounds Traversed at Croom…)






#foxhunting #irishwolfhounds #irishwolfhoundpuppies #hurricaneian 

#drumhorsestallion #southcreekfoxhounds #foxhuntclub #mastersofthefoxhounds #cantle

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