…….Rain Rot…….

…….Rain Rot…….

Rain Rot………………………

You horse owners out there know what I’m talking about…..

…..that grungie/flaky/peely/oozie-ness that can occur on your horse’s back and top-line.

Claire’s Back

It’s a fun little dermatological condition that is a by-product of pastured horses in a chronically rainy/humid environment…


What fun!!!

Claps and Stomps All ‘Round!!!

It’s usually a seasonal-thing…

It ends with the dry season (usually)…

I can start holding my breath now…..because the end of the rainy season is just around the corner…..


…..we are smack-dab in the middle of Hurricane Season right now…..

…..deluges are imminent at any moment…..

…..I just have to hope and pray that nothing with a slapped-on name heads our way…..

In the meantime…..there’s rain…..lots of rain…..

…..blowing rain…..dribbling rain…..driving rain…..rain you can wring out of the air…..

Brave’s Back

…..add those constant dripsies onto the wide back of a draft horse…..let it puddle for a nanosecond & swirl in the accumulated dried sweat along with some fly guano (I like that word)…..

…..and voila!…..

…..you’ve got instant rain-rot!…..

…..Tra!  La!…..

Addy’s Back

Rain-rot’s a superficial dermatological fungus…..

***(right now everything here has some sort of fungus on it…..in it…..or around it)***


So………….how to fix this fur-crud…..?…..

Move to Arizona…..(?)…..

Turn off the constant rain…..(?)…..


Or stall your horse 24/7…..around the clock…..

…..or brush…..and curry…..and scrub your horse…..

…..and repeat…..

…..with chlorahexidine added into your shampoo…..

(I throw in some home-made colloidal silver too)

…..and scrub…..and scrub…..and scrub…..and scrub…..and scrub…..

Sub-tropical Florida summers are just so much fun…..

…..aren’t they!?!…..

…..I just love ’em…..!!!…..

The Autumnal Equinox just happened…..

I’m hoping for the humidity…..and the rain…..and the heat……to turn off immediately after the first day of Fall…..

…..this is just ENOUGH!…..!…..





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