~~~Puppy Progress Report~~~

~~~Puppy Progress Report~~~

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Irish Wolfhound puppies and sleep deprivation go hand in hand…..

But I’ve had a couple decent naps…..

…..the boogers are growing…..I’ve showered…..

Every litter is different…..there is almost an over-all “litter personality”…..

Where this group is relatively small (only 5)…..they are robust…..very large…..and maturing quickly…..

Willow is producing more than enough milk for the five poopers…..plus they have already started on the gruel that we make for them as a starter food…..

Mama  Willow

I can’t say enough about fresh goat milk…..it’s a lifesaver…..thank you Doctor Brigid…..

The littlest puppy is still smaller than the rest…..but she is gaining rapidly…..

…..there’s more time in between feedings now where I can actually catch a nap…..

I never did well…when I was in college…pulling all-nighters while I crammed for exams…..

I guess I just don’t do well without a regular sleep pattern…..

…..Irish Wolfhounds don’t allow for that…..

We’re still not out of the woods and on the home stretch…..

…..but we are in a much more secure place in terms of projected survivability for these puppies…..

…..one day at a time…..

I’ve changed clothes (several times)…..I’ve brushed my teeth…..hell I might even splurge and floss them…..

We’ve given the babies temporary litter names…..

…..we’ve named them after the novel “Little Women”…..

***Louisa May Alcott’s—Little Women***

We have a Marmie, a Meg, a Jo, an Amy, and a March…..

…..(no Beth…..for obvious reasons)…..

Marmie and Meg are big bruisers…..

Jo’s a mouth…..she’s taught everyone how to bark…..(already)……(sigh)…..

Amy’s the tiniest…..but she’s smart and uses it to her advantage…..she’s quick to get to the best producing teats before her sisters even know she’s out of the starting block…..

March is a combination of smart and pushy…..(we might keep her—–maybe against our better judgement)…..

…..(there’s so much to write about)—(to be continued)…..






#irishwolfhound #puppies #irishwolfhoundpuppies #goatmilk #litters #littlewomen

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