*Puppy-Boy Is Growing*

*Puppy-Boy Is Growing*

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*****(this is the post I had intended to write before Acacias decided to eat moldy hay)*****

Acacias has recovered and is doing just fine now…(silly puppy)…..

Old Hay

…..he’s resilient & happily beating up his buddy Wisp right now…..

Acacias just turned six months old…..

…(partially under the butcher block)…

…..he’s a behemoth……

He’s taller than a large German Shepard…and over 80 pounds…..

…(the other end…partially under the butcher block)…

…..but…I’m not picking him up to weigh him…..

…..he squirms too much…and he’s too heavy…..

…(Acacias…same butcher block…the beginning of April)…

…..(I can manage picking up & tossing fifty pound feed bags…but Acacias is not inert and non-sentient)…..

He’d wiggle and stick his paw in my mouth…while clawing me to crawl over my shoulder…and dig into my belly button with his hind feet…all the while licking me sloppy…..


…..no…he doesn’t get picked up to be weighed…..

Acacias has big furry thunderous paws…..

…..they look like bear paws…big fuzzy platters…..

…(please ignore the sand…he’s a walking mop)…

If there’s any indication of what he will grow into…his paws are a give away…..

…..and his teeth…he has large teeth…compared to all the other hounds…(but nothing compares to a terrier’s mouth)…..

…..But Acacias is going to be scary big…..

Don’t get me wrong…Ben’s a big tall hound…..

If he weren’t such a doof…he’d look like one of those scary wolves from Germanic Fairy Tales…who eat the plump disobedient children…..

Gromit was jovial and large…Pagan was not a small hound, but he looked more like the fuzzy-version of the Greyhound bus logo…and Hadrian was solid & substantial & big and a powder puff…..


…..but there’s something frightening about how Acacias is growing…..

He’s taller than all the girls already…..

He’s even with Ben…..

…(Acacias is on the bottom left)…

…..(keep in mind…Irish Wolfhounds are slow growers)…..

We’ll keep him on good food for large breed puppies for another year (at least)…(maybe two)…..

Ben & Acacias two months ago…

…..you know…I swear Ben grew again this year…..

…..he couldn’t reach the pots cooking on the back burners of the stove…..

…(Ben is in the middle)…

…..and now he can…(and that’s with all four paws on the ground)…..

Life here is constantly in motion…morphing and changing…..

You have to be malleable…or else they’ll organize and take you out…..

…..and before you know it…..

…..the hounds and cats will have dug a shallow grave…and you’ll be in it…..

…..(and the Site Foremen will be the Jack Russell and the Papillon)…..

On that note…..

…..we’ve learned to NEVER show fear…to back out of rooms while keeping eye-contact…and never keep food in our pockets…..

(Note to Self***keep up with Acacias training…it might be our only chance.)






#germanfairytales #acacias #jackrussellterrier

#akc #irishwolfhound #obediencetraining #irishwolfhoundpuppies #papillon

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