*Cuban Tree Frogs*

*Cuban Tree Frogs*

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Florida continues to be really creepy…..

Something triggered a horde of baby frogs to hatch…..

It was probably as a result of a multiple hour deluge that we had a few days ago…..

We don’t know where they came from…I mean…we are surrounded by swampland…so it shouldn’t be difficult to guess…..

But a couple days ago…they showed up………….EVERYWHERE!…..

The first thing we noticed was our cats started acting weird…they were on the prowl…in our den…..


A couple of them were staring intently into the fireplace…and several were considering trying to bat something out from underneath a sleeping geriatric Molly…(and NOBODY ever disturbs geriatric Molly…and lives to tell)…..


We’re not squeamish…we aren’t screamers…but I did watch my older daughter get twitchy…after she came in from the back porch…..

She had just brought the hounds in from outside…..

…..she said the backyard was “moving”…..

I didn’t think much of it…until I looked up and saw her distraught/ashen face…..

Nothing bothers my daughter…gore…screaming meemies…yahooties…pulsing/arterial blood flow…..

…..she’s practical…she approaches issues systematically…she looks at a problem logically…with no hysterics…..

So…I was surprised when she started rocking…hugging herself…and saying there were LOTS of little frogs…EVERYWHERE in the back yard…(she had developed a temporary twitch)…..

Of course…I got up and went and checked out the growing gloom of the rainy twilight…..

…(enlarge this photo if you can)…

…..And DAMN If She Wasn’t Right…!!!…The Back Yard WAS Moving…!!!…..

There were tiny frogs EVERYWHERE…!!!…..

…(if possible…enlarge this one too…I’d estimate there were more than 5000+ baby frogs in our backyard)…

The ground was moving like a jumping carpet…tiny tree frogs were stuck all over the windows…..

We quizzed Doctor Brigid…and she identified them as the Very Invasive Cuban Tree Frog…..

Apple Snails…

We have so many invasive animals & plants here in sunny Florida already…..

…..Cane Toads…Apple Snails…Brazilian Soda Apples…Bufo Toads…Kudzu Vines…Love Bugs…the list goes on and on…..

Kudzu Vine Encroachment…

…..not to mention the release of millions & millions of sterilized (and who knows what else?) mosquitoes…which we only found out about afterwards…..

And now…it’s wave upon wave of newly hatched Cuban Tree Frogs(?)…..

Doctor Brigid said that the tadpoles of the Cuban Tree Frog are carnivores (whereas the tadpoles for other toads & frogs are herbivores)…..

…..so the Cuban Tree Frogs are eradicating the other local toads and frogs because they’re eating the tadpoles…..

And to add insult to injury…they are hard to identify…because they keep morphing and changing their looks(?)…..

………….Geez  Louise………….

Our nights are very loud with chirping/trilling baby frogs…..

…..Oh!…and apparently they secrete a poisonous/slimy sweat from their skin…..

I don’t know what will happen in the next few weeks and months…will they all stay(?)…will they wander away(?)…will they grow really big and swallow our house(?)…..

I just don’t know…But It’s Really Really Creepy…..

…..(Florida………….not just Sandy Beaches…Sun…and Fun)…..






#billandmelindagatesfoundation #cubantreefrog

#treefrogs #invasivespecies #cane toad #bufotoad #applesnail #kudzuvine #billgates

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