…Procedure #3…

…Procedure #3…

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So…here’s the game plan…..

I’ve got another (final?) heart “procedure” scheduled the beginning of April…..

Plus…I’m learning more cardiac-jargon…catching on to the innuendoes…and becoming more loquaciously obstinate with regards to their easy additions to my daily prescriptions…..

……here’s a good one…I was originally put on a prescriptive drug to regulate my heart’s beats per minute (BPM’s)…..

It didn’t do its job…plus it started making my hair fall out along with my seeing lots of floating spots…..

…..so…they graciously changed to the next/new/uber drug..that should regulate my heart’s BPM’s…..

AND…it hasn’t worked either…..

But…good news…my hair stopped falling out…and I only have the occasional floating eye-dot….

However………….it hasn’t regulated my heart rate…AT ALL…it’s still the same/ole’/reliable samba-beat…catchy tune…but inappropriate from a cardiac-perspective…..

I suggested to my surgeon…that if this new wonder-drug wasn’t doing what is was supposed to…then let’s drop it (like a hot potato)…why throw chemicals at something…if they aren’t helping…..(?)…..

…..he was less than compliant…(I hate when doctors get all omnipotent like that)…..

At my next appointment…(this one was with the kidney-guy)…..

…..my labs showed I still have strong kidneys…with no damage…(specialists are always overly-fixated on their one specific organ)…..

…..(personally…I would like ALL my organs to happily work together as a smooth-running/cohesive unit)…..

I figured…I’d try the renal-dude and see if he’d potentially drop the hard-hitting drug that wasn’t regulating my heart rate (at all)…..

…..we all already know…he wouldn’t do it…but he DID add another blood pressure prescription…..

…..(Oh…Great!)…(Be Still My Beating Heart!)…(Oh…No…No…No…I Didn’t Mean It That Way!)…..

Anyway…the nephritic-guy wouldn’t cancel the cardiac-guy’s prescription even though it wasn’t working…..

He did order…yet another…tried & true BP med…(I’d rather an old one with more/double-blind studies under its belt than a shiny newbie with less mileage )…..

…..I figure if this additional one…doesn’t hurt my kidneys…(as much)…AND lowers my blood pressure…..

…..then I can get the cardiac-guy to drop the new (less-studied/more kidney-damning) drug…and BTW…IT’S NOT DOING WAT IT’S SUPPOSED TO!…..

Again………….it all sounds like housewife-logic…right?…..

It seems crystal-clear to me…..

………….But No Body Seems To Be Listening!………….

…..(apparently…I need to get bitchier)………….(and we already know)…(that’s easy)…..

…..(game on)…..





#prematureatrialcontraction #renal #ablation #

#fda #amlodipine #losartin #xeralto #eliquis #metoprolol #verapamil #hypertension #afib #pac

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