

Thanksgiving’s just around the bend…..

I’ve got the menu in my head…..(fyi…..it’s the same one as last year)…..


…..and the year before that…..

…..and the year before that…..

I had my curried/autumn/gourd/spicy/non-award-winning baked casserole…..

…..(that my family unanimously nix’d)…..

…..and I just don’t know why…..

…..it was creatively herbal…..and healthy…..

…..and you know…..you just shouldn’t say no to beta-carotene…..

As a result, this year it’s a return to the simple baked yam…..

…..I mean…..they’re good…..they’re tasty…..

…..but there are just sooooooo many more orange-ish gourds out there…..

…..just begging to be peeled and diced and abused…..

But back to the staple Thanksgiving gourd…..

…..that wonderful P-U-M-P-K-I-N   P-I-E…..

I just love them!  They are traditionally/universally/yummy good…..

But that’s not what my older daughter and I are baking today…..


….we’ll do those later…..

Today it’s apple pie…..

I peeled all the boogers last night…..doused them in lemon juice and buried them in sugar and cinnamon…..

…..(and other undisclosed herbs)…..

…..today it’s time for crust making and baking…..

Oh, Pascal…..shhhhhhh…..

(My Friend, Pascal)-(see the Glossary)

…..don’t tell anybody…..I have a confession…..

…..the last batch of pies I made for my Hunt Club Tea…..



The diced apple-filling was friggin’ al dente to the point of crunchy-raw!

The crusts were done…..(and ugly)…..(and patched to the extreme)…..(and store-bought)…

In hindsight they were doo-doo.

And that’s a problem when you and Doctor Atkins are on a chronic-low-carb-diet…..

…..you don’t taste your baked wonders…..

…..until after you’ve distributed them to the world…..

…..and it’s too late…..


So Mary Constance…..I’m here to say…..I owe you another pie…..

…..I don’t know when that will be…..

…..but it will be on the floor board of your truck…..

…..you’ll never know when…..

…..just be careful getting back into your truck after a Hunt…..

But this time I’ll make sure the apples are cooked…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Happy Thanksgiving~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~







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