***Post Peep Plummet***

***Post Peep Plummet***

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I suppose I’m an old dog…and you shouldn’t expect new tricks from an old dog…..

…..so it’s not a big surprise…when I admit to my annual over-dose of marshmallow peeps…..

It never gets old…..

…..the brightly colored sugars…coating the wonderfulness that is a marshymallow peeper…..

…..Tower O’ Peeps…..

I’m a traditionalist…and I prefer the actual baby peeps…but I’ve never said no to a marshmallow bunny either…..

…..again…with my traditionalist-tendencies…I gravitate towards the neon-yellow peeps…..

But since the 1950’s…their colors (and flavors) have increased…..

…not Dr. Pepper-flavored Peeps…

…..this year I passed by the Dr. Pepper-flavored brown peeps…along with the sour watermelon pink & green ones…..

But it was open-season on the traditional yellow…pink…blue…and…purple peepers…..

…..plus I found a speckled-white/confetti cake-flavored box of peeps (four boxes actually)…and I had to give them a try…..

Being special needs…my younger daughter still expects an annual visit from the Easter Bunny…..

…..that just fine with me…her expectations are my excuse to keep filling-up (and subsequently robbing-from) both my daughter’s Easter baskets…(I’m scruple-less when it comes to peep-theft)…..

It’s so much fun trying to talk with your muffled-mouth full of marshmallow peeps…..

I know it’s immature…and not etiquette-worthy…but it sure is fun…..

…..and worth a try…..

Second to the marshmallow peeps in the annual Easter baskets are the malted-milk Robin’s eggs…..

There are multiple ways to eat them…..

There’s the traditional crunching…..

…..but…I recommend sucking on them whole…through all the layers…..

…..starting with the hard outer shell…you have to suck off all the spots…..

…..(so…you’re obligated to take them out of your mouth occasionally and check on them)…..

…..then comes the chocolate layer…and finally the malted center…..

It’s an expedition of confectionary goodness…..

And…it’s best to alternate between peeps and Robin’s eggs…..

I just re-read this post…and it’s obvious…..

…..I have a problem…..

…..nothing that can’t be solved with a little bit of conviction and confection…accompanied by emptying out all the Easter baskets…..

…..ooooohhh!…I haven’t mentioned the spice-flavored jellybeans yet…have I?…..

…..we can’t forget those…now can we?…gummy-nummy goodness…..

So all in all…I’m coming down off of an extreme sugar-high…..

I’m grateful I’m still conscious and not in a sugar-coma…..

…..will I do this again next year?…..

…..no doubt…..

It’s guaranteed…..






#peeps #russellstover

#marshmallowpeeps #eastercandy #easterbasket #cadburyegg #chocolatebunny #reeses #brachs

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