~~Porcine Romancing~~

~~Porcine Romancing~~

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Apparently my older daughter & I have become the Social/Romance Coordinators for our farm animals…..

Of all our resume skills and talents…Wow!…this one’s right up there…..

I’m not sure pride (or despondent resignation) comes into play here…..

…..but it’s a useful skill nonetheless…..

…..and someone has to do it…and a person should take pride in what they’re good at…..

We brought Beau and Clover home after the first of the year…..

Clover & Beau…(and my older daughter)…

I figured…they’ve been home long enough…they should have done “it” by now…..

My older daughter and I are counting off the months and days on our combined fingers…..

But it’s hard to tell by looking at Clover…..

Where roosters are always ready & willing…and constantly chasing down the hens…..

…..and the drakes are doing the same thing…but at a slower wobbly/waddling pace…..

The KuneKune’s are reticent in their public displays of emotions & procreation…..

They’re shy…..

Beau being camera shy…

Hey…I’m all for that…..

But this pair of pigs didn’t come here to play pinochle…..

We have a great on-going communication with the woman who breeds KuneKune pigs…..

So we gave her a call…to see if the piglets were over-due…or if Clover was or was not in a “family-way”…or if Beau had drifted into hoo-hoo-apathy…..

And…Tra!…La!………….we are still within the window of piglet production!…..

The breeder asked for photos of Clover’s nether-regions(?)…..

But I think it’s hard to tell…I mean…pigs are always rotund…..

…..educational charts were exchanged…external palpation instructions were given…..

…(oops…wrong chart)…

We were fast-tracked through Maternity-Preparation Course #101…..

…..(Beau and Clover have already completed the course)…(hopefully)…..

Mama Pig likes to watch…

MaMa Pig’s just being a voyeur and glowering at them…from her own pen just across the alley…..

So time will tell…you can’t rush these things…especially when you’re a KuneKune pig-rearing newbie like we are…..

So we’ll wait…..

Beau and Clover are…..

And MaMa Pig’s in her wallow watching like that Honey Badger of YouTube fame…..

We’re still hoping that a litter is just around the corner…..

But honestly…we don’t know…..

What I do know is…on our tiny little fifteen acre farm…there’s so much going on in our microcosm of rural life…..

Some (most) of our “outer-world” social conversations have become confusingly inappropriate at best…..

And we probably should get out more…..

We really should…..






#honeybadgeryoutubevideo #honeybadgernarratorrandall #

#kunekune #porcine #pigrails #emilypostetiquette #honeybadgerdontcare

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