*******Pony Rides*******

*******Pony Rides*******

We have turned into the WORST petting zoo EVER…..!!!…..

Now…..the big boar is out of his pen…..!!!…..

You know the one…..

…..the one with the huge/slavering tusks…..!!!…..

Now…..whenever we go back into the goat pasture to feed the pigs and the goats…..

…..we have to negotiate around a big mama pig…..(who jumped on me yesterday and almost knocked the wind out of me—–I slapped her on the snout and she ran off squealing)…..

Yep…..This Is Me…..(HA!)

…..along with the four adolescent pigs…..

…..and now the big-assed/tusked boar…..

He decided he could lift the welded metal panels with his tusks…..

…..fence posts and all…..

(keep in mind the posts have rotted off at mud-level)

…..and he let himself out…..


…..double sigh…..

Our pastoral and pristine pastures of well-manicured paddocks containing all of our well-bathed & well-groomed animals…..(HA)…..

…..have gone the way of the do-do…..

…..our pig pens are doo-doo…..

…..and that’s problematic…..

All The Fence Posts Are Rotted Off At The Base

*******(to say the least)*******

…..because now…..

…..one has to brave a pack of loosed/hungry/totally-unrestrained pigs…..if one intends to feed any of the goats and pigs…..

…..one does not like having to do that…..

…..one does not like that at all…..

…..one feels like her digits/limbs/& life are in question…..whenever she has to go back “there”…..

…..triple sigh…..

Meanwhile over the years…..we have inevitably had passing acquaintances who will make statements like…..

“…..I have to bring my son & daughter over to see all of your animals…..

…..You have horses don’t you?…..We know how to ride…..

…..We rode one summer…..thirteen years ago…..

…..We can come over anytime…..

…..We’ll come this weekend…..”

Given what’s recently happened…..I feel inclined to say…..


…..Come On Over…..

I live and breath to entertain your children and to offer up my horses to your questionable/quasi riding skills…..

…..But First…..

…………………help me feed the goats and the pigs…………………

…..You have life insurance…..don’t you…..?…..






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