…..Pipping Away…..

…..Pipping Away…..

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Where Mother Nature has a will…..there’s a way…..

I can hear “ticking” and “clicking” inside the incubator coming from inside some of the eggs…..

…..in egg-hatching-jargon that’s called “pipping”…..

There’s internal and external “pipping”…..

When babies are hatching from an egg…..they score around the inside of the egg shell…..

…..then if everything goes well…..

…..they break through and continue chipping and chirping and scoring their way around the outside-layer of the shell until a portion of the shell pops off…..

(I love how pristine and clean this incubator is…..not realistic at all)…

The baby inside the shell uses the air sac at the wider end of the egg to breath from until they can pop a hole in the egg to the outside world…..

…..And This Is The Hard Part…..

…..All I Want To Do Is Help…..I REALLY Want To Make Things Easier…..


…..it’s highly (very highly) recommended not to intervene…..it hardly ever (usually never) ends well…..

It can take twenty-four hours for the internal pipping to be completed on a thick duck shell…..

……and then an additional twenty-four hours for the external pipping to be completed…..

About the only thing I can do is increase the humidity inside the incubator…..to 70++%…..

…..(which I’ve already done with our turkey baster)…..(don’t ask if there’s a different one at Thanksgiving)…..

…..with the added moisture…..the shell is less likely to stick to the struggling duckling and it makes the shell more conducive to the baby’s beak etchings…..(pipping)…..

The best thing I can do for the hard-working ducklings is to sit and watch and listen and keep my hands off the eggs……

They’re cheeping inside now…..they have been for the last three hours…..they have a long way to go…..

…..I’m trying to distract myself from helping them…..





#runnerducks #ducklings #incubator #turkeybaster #floridafarm #humidity #florida

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