~~~Pee Recipe~~~

~~~Pee Recipe~~~

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*************Disclaimer*****Don’t Try This At Home*************

I’ve developed a recipe to help stop/deter/& or dissuade the cats from “marking” (pee’ing on) their territory (my house)…..

~~~Here’s the “recipe”:  Get a 32-ounce ZEP/Industrial sprayer (HDPE-2)…..

…..these kind of sprayers won’t melt or leak when you put in essential oils…..(I learned this the hard way)…..

Fill the ZEP sprayer with the original-scented O-Do-Ban (the deodorizer-kind)…..(don’t dilute)…..

*****(Here’s Where It Gets Fun)*****

Add:…..1/4 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil

………1/4 teaspoon cinnamon oil

………1/8 teaspoon peppermint oil

………1/2 teaspoon citronella oil

Maybe all I’m doing is singeing the cats and the exterior of their urethras with the strong fumes & vapors from all these oils…..

But…I don’t care…..

…..if it deters the boogers from pee’ing in the corners…on my shoes…or my vitamin bottles…..then it’s just fine with me…..

…..another option to spraying the areas directly with my concocted recipe…..is placing a saturated rag of the stuff on their favorite marking-spots…..

There are so many essential oils that cats don’t like…..

…..a lot more than what I’ve listed above…..

…..but you have to do your research…..

…..some of the oils could kill your incontinent-kitty…..

…..(well…..I guess that would solve the inappropriate-urination-issues in a very direct manner)…..

I love my kitties…..I just refuse to be “owned” with a smattering of their body’s secretions…..

Oh…..and one other suggestion…..

…..don’t use my recipe on anything varnished…..(or valuable)…..

…..it will strip the varnish right off……(along with some of the underlying wood veneer)…..

…..But everything will have a nice minty freshness…..

…..Just Saying…..

…Neil & Kahlua & the Bidet…







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