***Patrice To The Rescue***

***Patrice To The Rescue***

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All through Thanksgiving…..I tried to remain Atkins-worthy…..

I was fairly successful…..

I didn’t even make pumpkin pies this year…..I just knew I couldn’t/wouldn’t handle that temptation…..

…..I have a long past relationship with pumpkin pies…..I love them so…..

…..so I didn’t make any this year…..(sigh)…..

But there were so many other goodies to binge on…..

…..that were appropriately carbohydrate-free (or nearly)…..

…..and binge I did…..

…..it was glorious…..

Along with the turkey and brisket…..

…..there was mashed cauliflower…..but not just cauliflower…..

…..it was mashed in home-made heavy cream sauce with cheddar cheese and diced mushrooms……

There were pre-meal snacks of broiled bacon-wrapped waterchestnuts as well as mushroom caps stuffed with bleu cheese…..

I put two cabbage heads inside the turkey in lieu of stuffing…..

…..weird, you say?…..

…..don’t knock it until you’ve tried it…..it’s really tasty stuff…..

We did have baked yams…..but I didn’t partake…..

Then there were the remarkably delicious veggies under the brisket…..

…..the celery and onions were carb-appropriate…..

…..but the carrots weren’t…..I ate one…..(and I don’t regret it)…..

And of course…..the brisket and the turkey were beauteous…..

And that’s where Patrice came to my rescue…..

Patrice has no waistbands…..

…..she’s just a glorified denim sack…..


…..and as I always buy them overly-large…..

…..Patrice is always forgiving…..

She graciously covers my bloat and belly fat…..

She’s a good friend…..

There are more than enough left-overs for the weeks ahead…..

Nibbling and snacking have been taken care of for the foresee-able future…..

Tupperware lids have been burped and so have I…..

Right now…..napping is very high on my list…..


Life is Good…..

Celebrate Whenever You Can…..





#thanksgiving #brisket #turkey #celebrations

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