Pandemic Potluck Tea

Pandemic Potluck Tea

I think the versatility of the human race has certainly been illustrated with the advent of COVID-19…..

Everyone has had to custom-tailor their lives…..

I’ve watched choral and orchestral adaptations on-line…..

…..and wonderful ballet compositions posted on YouTube…..

(I’ll see if I can find one)

*****Paris Ballet*****

Our Fox Hunt Club has made adaptations too…..

…..we are still hunting…..

Our Fox Hunt’s Hound Trailer Awaiting The Pack’s Return

…..the great outdoors is a safer place to be…..

… of the last Hunts had a 7.5 mile coyote run…..

… was on a large ranch… it took some mileage for the coyote to out-strip the pack and cross the property’s border fencing…..

(Addy and I weren’t on that run…..I told her about it and she immediately got the vapors and passed out)


The “Social Distancing” between riders seems to naturally work out pretty well…..

…..our post-Hunt Teas have needed some adaptations…..

My younger daughter and I were recently at a Tea at one of our fixtures…..

I made Chocolate-Chip Irish Soda Bread (again)…..

…..but I pre-cut the slices and made them available for easy-individual pick-up…..

…..I’ve seen cookies and rolls and muffins put into sandwich bags… no one needs to touch the adjacent food…..

My up-coming Tea is on Halloween morning…..

(at the infamous Croom Forest)

***The Infamous Mud-Bath Hunt At Croom Forest***   ***Even More Remembrances Of The Croom Mud-Bath Hunt***

***Ghost Towns In Croom Forest?***

***Croom Forest***

*****But Wait…..There’s More*****

I’ve purchased some of those (biodegradable) doggie bag containers…..

Not Bio-Degradable And Not The One I Bought

…..I’ve got ones for the main course and separate ones for dessert…..

Versatility and Adaptation that’s what’s necessary…..

This One’s All Icky & Jumbled Together

Yesterday’s chocolate chip bread went over well and was happily consumed…..

The day was breezy and beautiful…..

See The Spider’s Web

… was remedial just being outdoors…..

FYI…..There IS “something” brewing in the Caribbean Sea…..

???WHAT???       It’s Now Got A Name And It’s Evil ZETA!!!

………………………and I don’t want to talk about it………………………





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