Outdoor Projects Are On Hold

Outdoor Projects Are On Hold

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There are so many projects which are stacking up…..

There’s a line-up of “Have To’s” on our list of “To Do’s”…..

The majority of them have already been started…and necessarily put on hold…because of the scorching heat & electrical rainstorms…..

Val…Sabine…and Willow on the Deck

Anything that needs to be finished…is just waiting in the wings…(the hot stifling wings)…..

…..the pending projects are temporarily hanging together with duct tape and zip-ties and spit…..

Having recently complained about our afternoon monsoons…I just looked at the forecast for this coming week…..

…..”they” say it’s going to be drier…..

…..That Would Be Wonderful!…..

However…I’m not sure I believe them…..

The night time low’s are finally under 80’sF…(when it gets under 70 degrees…then we can broadcast the winter rye grass seeds)…(for some winter greenery in the front yard)…..

I think the daytime high’s are a little lower than they were…but really…it’s hard to tell…..

…..even if it’s a bit cooler…it’s still miserably hot…..

It’s instantly exhausting…the muggy humidity immediately sucks all of the oxygen out of your lungs…..

MaMa Pig

Who wants to drive posts and hammer up fencing…or drill in decking boards…or the climb up and check the A/C duct-work in the attic…when sweating is ineffective and you can’t even breath…..

…..and there’s just no way of venturing up onto a hot tin roof…..

…(goat shed roofing–a less than stellar job)…

During past summers…the soles of our shoes actually started to melt…(I’m not kidding)…..

So we wait (not so patiently) for cooler weather…”they” say it’s right around the corner…they do…..

They lie…..



***(Btw–Happy National Cheeseburger Day)***







#noaa #visitflorida #floridatourismboard #heatillness #dehydration

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