*******Our Hunt Club Tea******* ~~~Tra! La!~~~

*******Our Hunt Club Tea******* ~~~Tra! La!~~~

It’s prep time!!!

It’s cooking & baking time!!!

It’s transport time!!!

It’s TEA TIME!!!

Orange Jell-o Shots…Candy Corn Vodka (donated by Doctor Brigid)…Chocolate Chip Cookies…&  Apple Pie…..

I love it!!!

The apples have been peeled and doused in a lemon juice bath (to avoid browning)…..and they are awaiting their pie crusts…..

All of the potatoes have been peeled and boiled…..and the necessary additives have been added (and those would be the poundage of sweet butter along with the gallons of heavy cream)…..

(like I’ve said before…..you might as well just spackle my lumpy/mashed potatoes directly onto your thighs)


The turkey’s already been oven-roasted…..

The boom-box has been roaring away…..(and has back-up batteries at the ready)…..

Life is good…..

My Tea-prep is totally fueled by………….hmmmmmmm………….tea…..

We recently bought decaffeinated tea bags by mistake…..


I’m worried about the lack of my necessary caffeine consumption…..

…..not that I’ll be serving any tea at my Tea…..

…..but I personally can’t deal without my tea-caffeine to keep me rev’d…..

There will be a Halloween costume contest at my Tea…..

“Murphy” in Costume

All of the cute little biodegradable containers have been Amazon’d and have arrived on my doorstep…..

I’ll be labeling and filling them in the bestest-way possible to make them pandemic-worthy…..

Turkey-Sliders…Caesar Salad…Mashed Potatoes…Condiments…A Variety Of Goat Cheese (also donated by Doctor Brigid)…..

It will be a different Tea…..

But it will still be a tasty Tea…..

And more importantly we will all be outdoors and enjoying horses, and Fox Hunting, and good camaraderie and friendship…..

Resilience and Persistence and Comfort Food and Mother Nature…..it’s good for what ails you…..

And Outdoors-Fun Was Had By All………….






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