Our Garage…..(or a collapsed red dwarf planet?)…..(you decide)…

Our Garage…..(or a collapsed red dwarf planet?)…..(you decide)…

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Remember a couple years ago…when I said I needed to clean the garage(?)…..

…………………………….that didn’t happen…………………………….

…..and it’s gotten worse…..

…(collected broken halters (and stuff) that might be repairable)…

Where the garage is concerned…..

You can’t show fear…..

You have to grab it by the eyeballs…not look away………….and stare it down…..

…..ease away slowly (and confidently)…and don’t turn your back…..

I truly believe our garage is a failed supernova…that has collapsed……

…..it’s creating its own vortex or black hole…..

…..at its core…..I’ve discovered petroglyphs from primitive civilizations who have survived in there on condensation and spilled feed bags…..

It’s a rabbit hole to be studied very seriously before jumping in and being sucked down into oblivion…..

Sometimes you just get to that point of utter-cluttered-despair…..

~~~~~The Garage Has Broken Me~~~~~

When I have something that needs to be “put in the garage”…I find myself wading over the debris until I get near the center…..

…..and then I heave “it” into that ever-growing maw in the middle…..

Things get yeeted (~~to yeet—to sling; to catapult; to launch~~) into the eye of that hurricane…..that has become “Our Garage”…..

Forget actually fitting a car in…..

Those days are long passed…..

There’s barely enough room for a walkway to the doors…..

…..(our trucks are too tall anyway)…..

I DO need to do something…..

…..it’s scary after the sun goes down…..

There are “things” out there that scuttle and scurry…..and it ain’t Otto…..

…..cuz…he’s sitting right there next to me…..

Otto and I will sometimes stand on the periphery and discuss our attack…..


I think most of it would be or should be bonfire material…it’s not even garage-sale worthy…..

Usually by the time I’m done with something…there’s not much mileage left in it…..quite often it’s left unidentifiable…..

…(under all of this…is a workbench)…

…..but apparently good enough to be hoarded & saved…..(?)…..

And That’s Why I Haven’t Cleaned The Garage Yet…..

I rest my case…..






#coolcalories #justonebite #sevindust #reddwarfplanet #supernova #vortex #blackhole #fortiflex

#garagesale #jumblesale #petroglyph #ancientcivilizataions #cavedwellers #dcon #mannapro

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