~Our Back Yard~

~Our Back Yard~

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We can do a lot of exploring here during the dry season…..

…..which is happening right now…..

Our Back Yard

I’ve heard the meteorologists say that we were below average in rain accumulation this last rainy season…it’s hard to tell from where I stand…..

…..because…I stand (and live) in a swamp…..

I’ve been told I need to walk…and get some exercise…and build my stamina back up…after all the cardiac ablations…..

I think they might have meant on sidewalks…or roads…..

I doubt they meant hiking over hill and dale…..

…..but we don’t have any hills here…but we do have swamps…..

…..and lots of palmettos…..

…..But We Don’t Got No Sidewalks…..

Both my daughter’s and my wellies (boots) have sprung leaks…so new ones are in order…..

Maybe Sloggers (clogs) were not the best/first choice…but the air was cool (ish)…and the water was down (ish)…..

…..I thought most of the creepy-crawlies would be thinking about hibernating…(or at least slowed down a bit)…..

And so we walked…and we hiked…and we got further back…than I think we ever have…..

…..we also got turned around (it was cloudy) and we might have been on other people’s property…..

…..(how can you tell?)…..

No other humans were out there in the dried swamp…or the undried mucky bogs…which we mostly avoided…(after multiple submersions…over the tops of our Sloggers)…..

I was really surprised at the extent of the wilderness back there…..

I mostly know the wild area to the north of us…but I’d never been this far back to the southeast of us…..

…..vast…vacant…and super neat-o…..

…..and definitely something to respect…..

We followed game trails through the reeds…found lots of bones…mostly deer…..

…..some unidentified…..

It was so remote out there…it would be a good place to find a body…but on this given day…we were fortunate enough not to…..

You know………….that thought was good incentive to continue trudging along…even when I really wanted to sit down…..

And in addition:  #1—you don’t know what you’d be sitting on…and your body temperature would warm up the fire ants and other bugs…and they’d want to crawl into your pants…..

And #2—it’s not a place to show weakness or slow down…it’s a place to keep moving…..

…..the multiple stacks of bleached bones were a good illustration of that motto…..

So I got my exercise…..

I was exhausted…but I made it back to a road…and eventually back to the house…..

…back to the road and civilization…

…..it’s a jungle out there(!)…..

…..It Really Is…..

…..and we really need new boots…..






#floridamarshdeer #northamericanmarshdeer #keydeer #wellies #wellingtonboots #sloggers

#floridacounciloftourism #pygmyrattlesnakes #fireants #floridaswamps #cypresscreekwellfields #

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