Ouch!…..and Other Mishaps of Summer…

Ouch!…..and Other Mishaps of Summer…

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It’s that steaming…..caked…..moldy…..fungus-growing…..time of the summer…..

Everything is driven by the intolerance  &  irritability with the heat…..

Everyone’s tempers are high and patience…..short…..

Even little things…..when they go wrong…..they seem…..

…..so much more…..gargantuan…..

Like…..I misplaced (lost) my camera…..

…..(the one I take stupid pictures on for my Blog)…..

…..I’m sure I put it someplace very safe…..

…..but my short-term (and long-term) memory is shot…..

…..I can’t remember where I put it…..


…..or maybe Patrice swallowed it whole into one of her bottom-less pockets…..

…..and will eventually regurgitate it…..?…..

Hanging Patrice…

I just don’t know anymore…..

I’ve fussed about it for days now…..I’ve stomped……I’ve fumed…..

…..and then…..my younger daughter lent me hers…..(good kid)…..

…just like the little pink one on the bottom right…

And then…..I jammed an errant wood screw into my bare foot on the kitchen floor the other morning…..

…..it wasn’t there the night before…..

…..it was safely in that “what’s-it-dish” on the kitchen counter…..

…..(along with other orphaned items waiting to be put away properly)…..

But apparently the cats decided the screw needed to be batted out of the dish and ricocheted around the kitchen floor…..just for fun…..

…..and then I wandered across it and buried the screw in the bottom of my foot…..

…..at 5am…..in the dark…..

It REALLY hurts now…..

You know…..a puncture wound…..on the bottom of the foot…..with little or no bleeding to self-clean & irrigate it…..

…..no doubt the kitty-darlings rolled the screw repeatedly through their litter box to make certain it was absolutely perfect to impale in my foot…..

And let’s not forget about my right hip…..

The Mark Of Finley…

…..and the corresponding/remaining subdermal hematoma…..

…..(which doesn’t appear to be leaving any time soon)…..

…..all courtesy of Finley’s rocket hind-hoof kicks…..

Finley’s left me with a hitch-in-my-get-along…..something that twangs inside…..and occasionally catches……(at least it doesn’t lock)…..

…..(I’m not as fast as I used to be)

…..(and I don’t want to talk about it)…..

I know I’m just whining…..but it’s August…..it’s the end of a really hot Florida summer…..

…..and I’m tired…..

…..and I just want to bitch…..






#finley, #florida, #floridasummer, #camera, #blog, #patrice, #horsekick,

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