***Otto versus Danny***

***Otto versus Danny***

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Apparently there was a slap down fight in the front yard that I knew nothing about…(until much later)…..

Apparently (as per my younger daughter)…it was totally unprovoked…..

Apparently Otto won…..

I know I’m a control freak…I hate when I’m not on top of things…..

Danny and Copernicus…(not Otto)…

…..and that is what recently happened…..

Danny (my younger daughter’s Papillon) normally is on the back of the couch…..

…..around noon recently…I noticed that he wasn’t really napping…but was a bit more dazed than sleepy…..

At that point…I started quizzing my daughter about what may have happened…..

…..that’s when I found out that Danny hadn’t eaten any of his breakfast…..

…..on closer examination…I noticed that he was twitching a bit…(not good)…..

Danny  &  Copernicus

…..on even closer examination…I found dried blood on the back of his head and neck…(quite a bit actually)…..

…..OH!!!   !@#$%^%$#@!!@#$%^%$#@@!…..

…..What Happened?………….and When?…..

And the story started to unfold…..


…..apparently the day BEFORE (it was hard to stay calm and keep a tranquil facial expression)…while my daughter took Danny out the front door to go potty…Otto (who is usually a very friendly cat & usually plays with Danny)…..

…..this time he attacked and nailed Danny!!!?!!!…..

…..Why?…I Do Not Know…..

But for a spindly little Papillon…who is more fluff than substance…he bled A Lot!…..

…..I was upset that I hadn’t noticed sooner…I was upset that my daughter hadn’t told me sooner…I was upset that Otto had turned into such a bully…and I was worried that Danny was neurologically injured and damaged…..

…..(you know…involuntary twitching is never a good thing…especially with half-closed/middle-distance-staring eyes)…..


…..so a “wall” (what a long/long text is called) was typed & immediately sent to the good Doctor Brigid…..

I added the addendum that I guessed it was good news that he wasn’t dead by now…..

…..(dark as that sounds…it’s true…more than eighteen hours had passed…and Danny hadn’t snuffed it yet)…..

…..(so that was good………….right!?!)…..

…..(damned/short-fused Otto)…..

Doctor Brigid checked Danny over…found puncture wounds…(but fortunately no punctured skull)…..

The good Doctor did highly recommended antibiotics and pain medication…..

Doctor Brigid

…..pain medicine because Danny’s a foofy powderpuff (we both decided that if he’d been a Jack Russell the pain meds wouldn’t have been at all necessary)…..

…..and antibiotics…because cat bites always get infected…..

Danny’s on the mend now…Otto’s no worse for wear…..

…..and Danny now goes outside to go potty in the back yard…..(not Otto’s front yard domain)…..






#barncat #papillon #puncturewound #catscratch #painmedication #antibiotics #jackrussellterrier

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