


Cool dude and barn-cat-supreme…

He made his debut on our farm this last spring…

He has a…..”take no prisoners” attitude…

He went through the “catch & release” system as a stray…

…..that’s were a feral cat is caught, sterilized, inoculated for various viruses, given a rabies shot…..and then released…

He came to us via Suzanne Annette…

Somehow that brave woman got him into a cat carrier and deposited him here…

He lives in our garage at night…

We “had” a lot of rats in our garage…

…..but not anymore…

He’s left little fuzzy fingers and toes for me………….I guess as gifts…..(?)…..

I’ve seen droves of hysterical rats running into the swamp squeaking & screaming…

If you check out Otto’s right ear, you will see that the tip has been snipped off…

…..that’s how the “catch & release” program works…

Anyone who sees Otto wandering around can now easily identify him (because of his abbreviated ear) as a neutered cat…

…..and not a reproducing cat or a health risk…

Otto is very vocal…..he has a lot to say…..all the time…

After dark he sometimes sits outside my younger daughter’s bedroom window and vocalizes…

…..he meows and smacks the window and thoroughly aggravates Danny…(her Papillon)…

…..he could easily eat Danny as a snack and use his bones for toothpicks…

Otto has taken over the tractor seat for his mid-day naps…

…..if you walk too close…..he reaches out and snags you with a claw…

He scares me a little…

But…..he’s been a great mouser so far…..

…..and we needed one badly…..

*****I’m not pointing fingers…..but I think Otto might have been responsible for the quick and silent disappearance of a baby duckling and a baby chick that the barn-hen hatched out recently…..

…..could’ve been crows…..

…..could’ve been raccoons…..

…..it was probably Otto…


We’ll never know…..

…..but the little peeper and quacker did suddenly disappear…..right around the time that Otto started hanging out more in the barn…..

AND…..I am holding him responsible for pulling the palm fronds off my plastic palm tree that’s glued on the hood of the tractor…..

I found the fond underneath in the dirt…..with tooth marks in it…..

C’mon Otto!………….that’s just not cool, man…..

This time…I’ll use super-glue…..

My fat hula girl needs her shade…..






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