~Opportunistic Terriers~

~Opportunistic Terriers~

Drogo…..(with cat litter on his nose)…

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As a terrier…..Drogo…..likes dark/closed-in/confined spaces…..

***Jack Russell Terriers And Their Propensities***

…..you know…..that whole terrier-heredity-thing…..

…..they were bred to go into small dark places to work as rat/vermin/or varmint-killers…..

My Dad told me stories of the terriers they had on the farm…..

…..they’d run rats out of the burrows under the barn floors and corn cribs…..

…..they’d also lift them up onto the hayloft rafters…..

…..the terriers would run like circus balancing artists…..chasing down rats and mice and possums hidden in the stored hay and roof beams…..

It’s deeply imbedded in a terrier DNA…..they can’t help it…..

Irish Terrier

…..they dig…..and snurffle…..and dig…..until they reach their “prize”…..

Drogo takes his ratting-tendencies very seriously…..

…..and as we all know…..

…..remember when the armadillo pooped in his mouth?…..

(See*****”Errant Terriers”*****)

A Member of the Dillo Family

Drogo is one mean-dude when it comes to harassing poor Mr. Dillo’s…..

But probably the MOST important thing in the Drogo-nator’s life is his eternal quest for the perfect nap…..

Drogo  &  My Older Daughter

And that’s where the perfect partnership with my older daughter comes into play…..

She is an avid crochet’er…..

…..Drogo is an avid napper…..

…..the two were made for each other…..

(Drogo is under there sleeping…)

Drogo has this deep desire to burrow after his fantasy-dream-varmints…..

My daughter gets to work on her crocheting projects…..

…..and Drogo can nap excessively…..

…..while being hidden…..and swaddled…..and completely out of sight…..

…..he only pops his head out when he gets too hot…..and has to cool down with his belly on the tile floor…..

…..or when he smells food…..

*****Except…(as a general rule)…a terrier’s inability to make good-life-sustaining-choices…..

…..their life would be canine-Nirvana…..

…..I mean from a dog’s standpoint…..

…..they run…..they play…..they ignore rules…..they harass varmints…..

~~~~~~~What Could Be Better?~~~~~~~

*****FYI Drogo*****

…..armadillos are not in the rat-category…..they are just sad/armored/deaf/weird/defenseless creatures that should be left alone…..

Mr. Dillo

Drogo…..why don’t you go dig a hole somewhere…..(?)…..

…..or better yet…..

…..chase down that gargantuan rat in the garage…..





#crocheting, #rats, #naps, #nirvana,

#jackrussellterrier, #terriers, #irishterrier, #armadillo, #vermin, #varmint,

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