***Only Thirty-Eight Hours***

***Only Thirty-Eight Hours***

*****And Again…This Is A Farm Post…There Are Graphic Photos Involved*****

Addy’s filly did not make it…

She was beautiful…

She looked perfect…

She had other places to be…….

…..on a farm quite often…..I just feel like hired help…

…..all I can do is put in the grunt-work, be genuinely involved, but I have no power…

*****and then the real Powers-that-Be have their own design*****

Addy’s baby died between feedings last night…

Sunset On The Same Evening

My older daughter and I were feeding her every two hours…..around the clock…

The filly was never able to get up under her own steam…

…..but with a little help, we were able to heft her up and she was able to do her wobbly, baby walk…

She never nursed from mom, even though Addy was producing ample milk…

…..because we have dairy goats…..everybody in my family knows how to milk…

…..so milking-out Addy was not a problem…

…..then we would transfer the milk to a bottle…

…..and then feed her by hand…

The baby had no real nursing-reflex…..she did root at her mother’s udder…..but she never latched onto her mother’s teat…

…..and that’s a problem…..

She had antibiotics to ward off infections…

Her first IGg test only came back at a reading of 200…

***IGg Levels Explained***

But two bags of plasma later, her second IGg was perfect at 800…

***More IGg Information***

She had a gastric tube stitched in place (for more effective and thorough tube feedings).

My daughter and I would prop her up and walk her around regularly…

………………………………………..and then she just went away…..

…..in her sleep…

Addy wouldn’t leave her baby that night when I tried to walk her out of the stall…

…..so I let her stay with her baby…


In the morning, I told Addy it was time to leave…..she walked over to her baby…..nuzzled her…..and then she walked over to me and out of the stall…..and out of the barn…

Addy just stood by the front gate nickering for her baby to follow…

…………………(unfortunately…….you just can’t make these things up…)

I have to stop writing now…






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