***Old Cook Books***

***Old Cook Books***

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I was recently cleaning my kitchen…..

…..(a novelty in & of itself)…..

The bookshelf of cookbooks took more than a day all by itself…..

I come from a family of bakers…..

…..there are more than three generations of recipes and books that are on those shelves…..

…..I especially enjoyed un-crinkling and looking at some of the old newspaper recipes that had been torn out of papers…..circa the 1950’s and 1960’s…..

The recipes themselves were great…..but the added extra fun was looking at the sales prices for ground round…or flats of pullet eggs…or oleo margarine…..

…..I’ve never trusted oleo margarine…..

…..(whatever it is?)…..

But the dusty recipe collection on those shelves is incredible…..

I’ve been on the look-out for my Grandma’s cinnamon roll recipe…..

I remember eating them as a child…..(a lot of them)…..

Sooooooooooooo much better than any slap-able tube of dough…..

…..(sorry Mister Doughboy)…..(but that’s the truth)…..

My Aunt Cory recently reminded me that (when I was young) my Grandma used to bake those cinnamon rolls…..

…..and people would drive all the way out to us on the weekends from the city (Cleveland) to buy them…..


…..in this house…..

…..that recipe exists…..hidden under a layer of dust…..

…..it’s safely hidden/filed/ensconced in one of these cookbooks or notebooks…..


…..I haven’t located it…..yet…..

…..I’ve seen it once…..(I think)…..

I need to make copies of all of Grandma’s recipes…..

…..so that I can share them with my cousins…..

Grandma used to make wedding cakes too…..her frosting roses were phenomenal…..

It’s amazing the little things you grow up remembering…..

…..those glimpses & snippets in time…..

I remember the rhythm of Grandma’s hands as she squeezed out the frosting rosettes along the sides of her multi-tiered wedding cakes…..

…..they were masterpieces to witness in the making…..

…..I think the entirety of my youth was spent at some level of a sugar-high from all of the cake batter and frosting that I had access to as a child…..


So I will continue dusting and organizing and filing all of these recipes and cookbooks…..

…..there are so many more still to do…..

I’ve found Grandma’s incredible stollen recipe…..along with her breakfast butter-ring…..

*****~~~~~I Need To Find Grandma’s Cinnamon Roll Recipe!!!~~~~~*****

……………………………It’s here…..I know it’s here……………………

My Additions To The Generations of Cookbooks…


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