Ode to Jimmy Billy

Ode to Jimmy Billy



We’ve found a person who is willing to venture towards  “fixing” our house.




By “fix” I mean—–repair;  replace;  up-date;  haul away;  drag;  amputate;  blast;  weld;  hide;  paint;  cauterize;  and bury stuff (when necessary)…

There is no adequate title for Jimmy Billy.  With everything he’s fixing, titles are so limiting here, and thoroughly inadequate.

And to date, he has not run screaming into the swamp…………well, not yet anyway…

(but there is always that potential……………….depending upon what gets exposed or unearthed or exfoliated on/around/or from our little, mold-encrusted oasis on our dead-end road in the swamp…)

But we are testing his resolve and conviction and creative-verve———–this house does that to people.


He has accepted the challenge.  And we haven’t broken him………………yet.

And so far——————he keeps coming back…………………………go figure!?!

He has resolve…


Since he’s been arriving……………

Our old bath tub has finally gotten moved from the driveway, to the garage. From the garage to the living room.  And now ultimately, it has found its finally mooring in the bathroom…………..its home port.



The plumbing under the foundation had to be jack-hammered.



Easy Peezy…………………




Our vagabond bidet is now out of the front yard and back into the other bathroom……………we look a tad less red-necky now that that personal porcelain is out of viewing by passer-bys on the road…………………good times.

The fuse box in the garage is beginning to be labeled accurately……………..that’s always a plus.


And several (but not all yet) of the “mystery light switches” are finding their purpose……………………….Oh!  Look what this one does!!!?!!!  Who would have expected that!!?!!



Jimmy Billy takes in stride the stop-gap repairs that he’s come across with zip-ties, paper clips & duct tape. He’s completed the twenty-five year old floor-tiling project………………………some things just can’t be rushed, you know.


He’s already put a cooking-arm in our fireplace, and he didn’t flinch when we mentioned wanting a zip-line from the roof-top down into the middle of the swamp and the back goat pasture………………he’s made from sturdy stock.





We’ll have to work harder at surprising him with odd refurbishing and repair requests.


Oh, and Jimmy Billy is actually an alias of an alias……………….






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